#ILMUNC India Mobile App
A cross-platform mobile app for the Ivy League Model UN Conference held in New Delhi.
The app is written in Javascript using the Ionic framework.
#Things to Do
- Home
Fix splash screenConnect Facebook and Instagram linksAdd push notifications
- Conference Schedule
Create views for all daysLink views with the tabbed navigation
- Commitees
Add images for each of the committeesPopulate committee informationLink 'Contact' button to send emailLink 'Background Guide' to pdf
- Maps
Embed Google Map for 'Around the Hotel' view
- Preparation Guide
Link opens in a new in app browser window
- People I've Met
Update titleFind a way to store the QR Code dataDisplay QR Code in app
- Contact Us
Link phone call buton to dialerLink email button to compose mail
- Facebook and Instagram
Link opens in a new in app browser window
- Feedback
Connect form to database to store feedback