A python module to simplify writing device drivers for the Amazon AWS IOT service
pyIOT abstracts the AWS IOT-Core service handling all of the communications between it and our device. To implement a pyIOT application, you only need to specify how to convert from the protocol of your device into the properties that you want to expose to IOT-Core and vice-versa. This enables IOT-Core applications to be written in a handful of lines of code.
Here's an example pyIOT application for a simple relay...
import serial
import pyIOT
class Relay(Component):
@Component.componentToProperty('relayState', '^RELAY(ON|OFF)$')
def toRelayState(self, property, value):
val = { 'ON': True, 'OFF': False }.get(value)
if val: return val
raise ValueError('{0} is not a valid value for property {1}'.format(value, property))
@Component.propertyToComponent('relayState', 'RELAY{0}')
def fromRelayState(self, value):
val = { True: 'ON', False: 'OFF' }.get(value)
if val: return val
raise ValueError('{0} is not a valid relayState'.format(value))
def queryStatus(self):
return 'RELAY?\n'
ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB0',9600, timeout=0.5)
relayComponent = Relay(name = 'RelayComponent1', stream = ser, synchronous=True)
relayThing = Thing(endpoint='<your endpoint>', thingName='relayOne', rootCAPath='root-CA.crt', certificatePath='relayOne.crt',
privateKeyPath='relayOne.private.key', region='us-east-1', components=relayComponent)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
- Handles all communications between AWS IOT-Core and your device
- Optionally allows several components to be combined into a single IOT device
- Supports synchronous and asynchronous components
- Easily interfaces with serial and network driven components
- Allows custom communication methods including GPIO driven applications
For more details on pyIOT and its usage, please consult the documenation at https://pyiot.readthedocs.io