Generic algorithmic stable coin backed by certain underlyings
forge 0.1.0 (f01d2f7 2022-03-11T00:05:09.559922+00:00)
forge build
# run in separate terminal: ganache-cli -f
forge test -f -vvv
Note: Tests expect forked chain state to be after dfxCADC contract was deployed, but before rename to dfxCAD. Here the ganache block number is set to 14398694
to address this.
Clone using the --recursive
flag so it fetches the submodules:
git clone --recursive [email protected]:dfx-finance/asc.git
Or run this after regular cloning:
git submodule update --init
node v16.13.0
node --experimental-json-modules scripts/01-deploy-dfxcadc.js
forge verify-contract --compiler-version v0.8.12+commit.f00d7308 [CONTRACT ADDRESS] --constructor-args <ARGS> --num-of-optimizations 200 [CONTRACT_PATH:CONTRACT_NAME] [ETHERSCAN_API_KEY]