Gradle plugin that tells you what libs have new versions on Maven Central, so when you come back to a project, you know what you can update.
You run the plugin:
gradle uptodate
And you get for example this:
New versions available:
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
apply plugin: 'com.ofg.uptodate'
And now you can run the plugin with
gradle uptodate
By default all project configurations are checked for updates but you can exclude any of them.
uptodate {
excludeConfigurations 'providedCompile', 'providedRuntime'
If you want to check only specific configurations it's also possible, simply include those configurations.
uptodate {
includeConfigurations 'compile'
Please note that excludes take precedence over includes.
You can also provide patterns of versions that you would like to exclude. There are also some patterns (like BETA, RC, etc.) defined in com.ofg.uptodate.UptodatePluginExtension.VersionPatterns
By default following patterns are excluded: ALPHA, BETA, RC, CR, SNAPSHOT, MILESTONE, RELEASE( i.e. r08)
import static com.ofg.uptodate.VersionPatterns.*
uptodate {
setExcludedVersionPatterns ALPHA, BETA, '.*-demo-?\\d*$'
You can also add your own patterns to the already excluded version patterns.
uptodate {
addExcludedVersionPatterns '.*-demo-?\\d*$'
You can change connection timeout (5000 ms by default) and/or limit simultaneous HTTP connections (8 connections by default) by connectionTimeout and simultaneousHttpConnections properties respectively.
uptodate {
connectionTimeout 10000
simultaneousHttpConnections 4
The proxy settings can be configured by using one of the following approaches:
Make sure to have the following properties configured when running the plugin:
Add the proxyHostname, proxyPort (defaults to -1, which is the default port of the scheme) and proxyScheme (defaults to 'http') properties to the plugin configuration.
uptodate {
proxyHostname 'localhost'
proxyPort 15000
proxyScheme 'http'
You can run the plugin automatically on every build, just by adding to your build.gradle
build.dependsOn 'uptodate'
But be warned, this will slow down the build by a few seconds (required to hit maven remote repo with http), so it is not suggested unless you don't care about build time.
To see what has changed in recent versions of Uptodate plugin see the CHANGELOG