- Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/Metadhana-Studio/roosterwars-contracts
- Install dependencies
- Set environment variables on the .env file according to .env.example
cp .env.example .env
vim .env
- Compile Solidity programs
yarn compile
- To run hardhat tests
yarn test:hh
- To run forge(foundry) tests
yarn test:forge
- To start local blockchain
yarn localnode
- To run scripts on Rinkeby test
yarn script:rinkeby ./scripts/....
- To run deploy contracts on Rinkeby testnet (uses Hardhat deploy)
yarn deploy:rinkeby --tags ....
- To verify contracts on etherscan
yarn verify:rinkeby MyTokenContract,MyNFTContract
... see more useful commands in package.json file
Contracts are developed using well-known open-source software for utility libraries and developement tools. You can read more about each of them.