Uniswap Clone built using Next.js, TailwindCss, Solidity and Sanity hope you like it. Tweak it and use it !!
Learned from : Clever Programmer 🔗 https://youtu.be/xXxjRzdYIss
- Run this command
git clone https://github.com/developer-junaid/Uniswap-Clone-Nextjs.git
- You are now in the dev environment and you can play around
- Next.js
- TailwindCss
- Solidity
- Alchemy
- Sanity
- Create folder and Navigate to it
- Run Command (This will create client folder with Next.js and Tailwind Template and all the dependencies will be installed)
yarn create next-app -e with-tailwindcss client
- Create two more folders on the root (studio and smart_contract)
- Install Sanity cli globally
npm i -g @sanity/cli
- Navigate to sanity directory
cd sanity
- Initialize Sanity with CleverProgrammer (Shoutout) coupon
sanity init --coupon cleverprogrammer
project name: YourChoice (Enter)
Use default configuration: Y (Enter)
Output path: (Enter)
Select Project Template: Clean project with no predefined schemas (Enter)
Create Schemas
Run Sanity
sanity start