HapiJS quickstart project boiler with integrated JWT authentication and mongodb. Uses ESLint along with Airbnb JavaScript styleguide to help you write clean code.
- TODO Quick summary
- TODO Version 1.0.0
- Clone the repo to your local machine.
- Dependencies: nodejs v8.9.x+, npm v5.5.x+
- Open terminal run 'npm install'
- Create .env file with the required values. (See Creating .env file)
- TODO How to run tests
- TODO Deployment instructions
This project uses "dotenv" npm package to store and use enviroment variables. Create a .env file in the root folder. Inside this file, the following variables must be declared:
- NODE_ENV : 'production', 'development', 'test' or 'staging'.
- PORT : port on which to run the API server.
- DB_DB : Name of the database you want to connect to.
- DB_USER : username with which to connect to the DB.
- DB_PASS : password of the above given user.
- DB_HOST : hostname of the server where the DB is located.
- DB_PORT : port of the DB service.
- JWT_SECRET : The secret key with which to sign your JWT Tokens.
- Writing tests
- Code review
- Other guidelines