Voice Activated Google Dinosaur Game
Control The dinosaur with your voice
- Download the repo install
- run command "pip install -r requirements.txt"
- run main.py
- Clone the Repo using "git clone https://github.com/dev-Roshan-lab/voice-activated-google-dino.git"
- run command "pip install -r requirements.txt"
- run main.py
1.After installing all the modules open Chrome navigate to 'chrome://dino' Ta-Da there is our dinosaur 2.Start the program main.py 3.Say Jump in order to jump the Obstacle and Dunk to dunk keep in mind
- You have to continuously command or else the program will throw back error, you can command at the right time when you see the microphone symbol in your task bar
- The dinosaur is superfast so we need to slow it down so in order to slow it down
- Navigate to the webpage 'chrome://dino'
- Right Click Your Mouse and click on Inspect
- Go to Console Tab
- Run Command 'Runner.instance.setSpeed(0.009);' where '0.009' is the speed You can also use '- minus sign' to make the Dinosaur run backwards
- Click Enter and Start the program 'main.py'
- Wait for the microphone symbol in Your task bar When You see it Say 'start' to start the game make sure the wepage tab is selected !!! 7.Enjoy the game in a new aspect
- Pyaudio
- pyautogui
- speech_recognition
run command 'pip install -r requirements.txt' to install all the required modules