Automatic light alarm/自动灯光唤醒
This is an automatic dimmer for morning alarm clock.And a typical Arduino multi-Thread example. Completed with Arduino scoop library.
这是一个自动的清晨灯光闹钟, 也是一个典型的Arduino多线程实例. 使用Ardiono scoop 库实现.
Currenty I have two versions of it. The released one is based on Atmaga32u4 with arduino Leonardo. Another one is based on STM32F1, and it is undergoing.
目前有两个版本. 发布的这一个基于Atmega32u4 使用Arduino Leonardo. 另一个基于STM32F1的版本正在制作.
User interface is a 0.91' OLED and an rotatry encoder.
用户界面是一个0.91英寸的OLED屏幕和一个旋转编码器 1. Single Click: Move cursor to the next position
1. 单击: 移动光标至下一位置
2. Long Click: Step into next configure stage.
2. 长点击: 进入下一个配置阶段
3. Rotate: Change value. CW: Increase. CCW: Decrease.
3. 旋转: 顺时针:增加. 逆时针:减少
Information feedback only.
仅作信息反馈 0. Show Current Time, Date and Temprature
0. 显示当前时间,日期和温度
1. Set start time
1. 设置起始时间
2. Set duration and steps.(The LED you connected will be lighted gradually)
2. 设置持续时间和步进(你接入的LED灯将会逐渐被点亮)
3. Set Portable power bank automatic shutdown time. (If the power source won't deactive automatically, configure it to maximum value)
3. 设置移动电源自动断电时间(如果不会自动关闭, 配置它到最大值)
4. Set onboard LED1 RGB
4. 设置板载LED1 RGB
5. Set onboard LED2 RGB
5. 设置板载LED2 RGB
6. System actived. Screen off, LED off, PWM standby.
6. 系统启动. 屏幕关闭, LED关闭, PWM就绪.