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Mark Scherer edited this page Sep 28, 2023 · 19 revisions

CakePHP version map

Shim plugin branch CakePHP core PHP min
0.x [EOL] cake2 2.x PHP 5.4
1.x [EOL] cake3 3.x PHP 5.6
2.x cake4 4.x PHP 7.3
3.x master 5.x PHP 8.1

Shimming overview for a CakePHP app.


Useful links and articles:


Before 2.x with Shim 3.x with Shim
field() fieldByConditions() field()
saveField() saveFieldById() saveField()
hasAny() exists() exists()
updateAll() updateAllJoinless() updateAll()
deleteAll() with callbacks deleteAllJoinless() deleteAll()
deleteAll() without callbacks deleteAllRaw() ?
find('first') by id with manuell exception get($id) get($id)
read() / find('first') by id without exception record() record()
exists() without explicit id existsById($id) / exists($conditionsArray) existsById($id) / exists($conditionsArray)
delete() without explicit id delete($id) delete($id)
save($array) save($array) saveArray($array)
$this->Behaviors->load() $this->addBehavior() $this->addBehavior
$this->Behaviors->unload() $this->removeBehavior() $this->removeBehavior
$this->Behaviors->loaded() $this->hasBehavior() $this->hasBehavior()
$this->... (alias, table, ...) $this->...() $this->...()


Before 2.x with Shim 3.x with Shim
$this->Components->load() loadComponent() loadComponent()
__construct() overwriting initialize() initialize()


Before 2.x with Shim 3.x with Shim
$this->Html->url() $this->Url->build() $this->Url->build()
  • Start using JsonShim instead of Json view to have 3.x default of how to encode output (otherwise BC break when migrating).


in URLs

  • ext => _ext
  • full_base => _full

to avoid those silently failing when upgrading.


Migrate to 3.x defaults without BC breaking changes.

  • Using FallbackHasher in 2.x already.


For Controllers use ShimIntegrationTestCase instead of ControllerTestCase in 2.x to easily upgrade those without changes to 3.x IntegrationTestCase.


And of course lots of deprecation warnings that can be enabled to find hidden issues that will often silently break when upgrading. Better to get rid of them before!