Nemo action to apply a custom composed icon based on images contained in the selected folder(s).
The script requires: xdotool zenity yad convert montage rsvg-convert
On Linux Mint (I have latest 21.1 Vera) and similar distros, you can verify that you have all the dependencies with:
sudo apt install zenity yad graphicsmagick-imagemagick-compat librsvg2-bin
To install, open a terminal and do:
cd ~/.local/share/nemo/actions/
curl -OO{nemo_action,sh}
7 types of operation are available, that can be divided into 3 categories:
- Montage (1st four images)
Picks the first four images found in the selected folder(s). - Montage (four random images)
Picks the four random images found in the selected folder(s).
- 1st image
Picks the first image available into the folder(s) - Single random image
Picks a random image from the folder(s) - Choose an image
Uses a file selector for manually picking the image to be composed, for every selected folder.
- Restore default
Restore the default theme's folder icon for every selected folder.
==> |
- Refresh base icon
Updates the already composed icon(s) with the current theme's default folder as background.
==> |
- Better refresh procedure
- Custom background color
- Transparent background (now WIP)
- ...