1st place for Best payments experience for end-users using Circle's sandbox
Winner for Best engagement in NFT Protocol's session
- npm i -g http-server to install this module globally on your pc;
- Navigate to the UI directory;
- Run http-server;
- If you go http://localhost:8080 you should see the app running;
- Go the the api directory;
- Run npm i;
- Create a .env file with PORT=5000, CIRCLE_API_KEY={your_circle_api_key}, BASE_URL=https://api-sandbox.circle.com;
- Run npm run dev;
- You should see "Listening on port 5000" on the console and if you open the browser on localhost:5000 you should see "It's working!"
- Go to the creatorrminter folder;
- Run npm i;
- Run npm run dev;
- You should see "Listening on port 3001" on the console and if you open the browser on localhost:5000 you should see the minter.
- Cloned from https://github.com/hack3r-0m/NFTminter