Do NOT use install.sh, as that script is not complete. All it does is try to copy a .config folder to the $HOME path, but you need to do a few other things first. So I recommend you to follow the guide below instead.
First of all, enable the testing repositories. To do that, edit /etc/pacman.conf
with any text editor, I use micro.
Scroll down and make sure that [core-testing] and [extra-testing] are not commented out (shouldn't have a #), refer to the image below.
After that update Arch and install Git, Hyprland, Waybar and wofi. (sudo pacman -Syyu git hyprland waybar wofi
You also need hyprlock. Install it by running yay -S hyprlock
Now clone this repo by running git clone https://github.com/deltaALT/hyprland-dots
cd into it by doing cd hyprland-dots
Copy the configs to the ~/.config folder cp -r .config ~/.config
After all that, reboot your system and log in to Hyprland. Change the config to your liking.