This PHP library will call the AdBack API and will generate the JavaScript tag that should be placed on all the pages.
See the AdBack website for more informations.
See the AdBack documentation for an installation guide.
Both the Query
and Generators
will need a driver which implements
the ScriptCacheInterface
to work.
A driver for Redis is already available.
Use composer to install the lib :
composer require dekalee/adback-analytics
First you need to query the api to warmup the cache in a Redis data store :
use Dekalee\AdbackAnalytics\Client\Client;
use Dekalee\AdbackAnalytics\Driver\RedisScriptCache;
use Dekalee\AdbackAnalytics\Query\ScriptUrlQuery;
function createApiCache()
$client = new Client();
$redis = new \Redis();
$redisCache = new RedisScriptCache($redis);
$query = new ScriptUrlQuery($client, $redisCache, 'your-token');
In your page, preferably in the <head>
, use the generator to create the script :
use Dekalee\AdbackAnalytics\Driver\RedisScriptCache;
use Dekalee\AdbackAnalytics\Generator\AnalyticsScriptGenerator;
function generateAnalyticsScript()
$redis = new \Redis();
$redisCache = new RedisScriptCache($redis);
$generator = new AnalyticsScriptGenerator($redisCache);
return $generator->generate();
echo generateAnalyticsScript();
You could do the same to create the other scripts by using the appropriate generators.
To create the table used to store the data in MySQL, run the query:
CREATE TABLE adback_cache_table( our_key varchar(255), our_value varchar(255));
First you need to query the api to warmup the cache in a Mysql table :
use Dekalee\AdbackAnalytics\Client\Client;
use Dekalee\AdbackAnalytics\Driver\PdoScriptCache;
use Dekalee\AdbackAnalytics\Query\ScriptUrlQuery;
function createApiCache()
$client = new Client();
$connection = new \PDO('mysql:host=your-database-host;dbname=your-database;charset=utf8', 'login', 'password');
$cache = new PdoScriptCache($connection);
$query = new ScriptUrlQuery($client, $cache, 'your-token');
In your page, preferably in the <head>
, use the generator to create the script :
use Dekalee\AdbackAnalytics\Generator\AnalyticsScriptGenerator;
use Dekalee\AdbackAnalytics\Driver\PdoScriptCache;
function generateAnalyticsScript()
$connection = new \PDO('mysql:host=your-database-host;dbname=your-database;charset=utf8', 'login', 'password');
$cache = new PdoScriptCache($connection);
$generator = new AnalyticsScriptGenerator($cache);
return $generator->generate();
echo generateAnalyticsScript();
You could do the same to create the other scripts by using the appropriate generators.
First you need to query the api to warmup the cache in a Mysql table :
use Dekalee\AdbackAnalytics\Client\Client;
use Dekalee\AdbackAnalytics\Driver\MysqliScriptCache;
use Dekalee\AdbackAnalytics\Query\ScriptUrlQuery;
function createApiCache()
$client = new Client();
$connection = new \mysqli('your-database-host', 'login', 'password', 'your-database');
$cache = new MysqliScriptCache($connection);
$query = new ScriptUrlQuery($client, $cache, 'your-token');
In your page, preferably in the <head>
, use the generator to create the script :
use Dekalee\AdbackAnalytics\Generator\AnalyticsScriptGenerator;
use Dekalee\AdbackAnalytics\Driver\PdoScriptCache;
function generateAnalyticsScript()
$connection = new \mysqli('your-database-host', 'login', 'password', 'your-database');
$cache = new MysqliScriptCache($connection);
$generator = new AnalyticsScriptGenerator($cache);
return $generator->generate();
echo generateAnalyticsScript();
You could do the same to create the other scripts by using the appropriate generators.