This is an attempt at a better Recurly API Client. This library is still in heavy development.
Via composer, see packagist.
- Fetching of
- accounts (and their billing info, subscriptions and invoices)
- subscriptions
- coupons
- plans
- Creation of
- coupons
- transactions
- subscriptions
- Edittion/Cancelling subscriptions
- Redeeming coupons
- Recurly.js functionality
- signing a request
- fetching a subscription transaction
Create a new instance of Recurly()
with your subdomain and api key as parameters. Provide your private key if you wish to use the Recurly.js functionality:
$recurly = new \Recurly\Recurly('example', 'abcdefgh123456', '987654321hgfedcba');
Fetch resources as needed
$accounts = $recurly->accounts->getAll();
$account = $recurly->accounts->get(123);
$billingInfo = $recurly->accounts->getBillingInfo($account);
Returned values will be (arrays of) Recurly\Model instances. All variables will be properly deserialized to strings, integers, null or DateTime objects.
To create objects, create a now Model and pass that along
$coupon = new Recurly\Model\Coupon();
$recurly->coupons->create($coupon); // will return true if succesful, throws Exception if not.
All calls will throw an exception if something goes wrong.