Android app created with MVVM, Android Architecture Components and other modern tech-stack. The first article on Clean Architecture where this project was used can be found in this post.
- Language - Kotlin
- Architecture - MVVM + Clean
- Connecting stuff, reactivity and background work — Android Architecture Components + RxJava (Paging Library, Data binding, ViewModel, LiveData, Work Manager, Navigation)
- Database - ObjectBox
- Networking - Retrofit 2
- Json converter - Moshi
- Dependency Injection - Dagger 2
Ui libs:
- Bottom navigation bar - Morph Bottom Navigation
- Charts - MPAndroidChart
- Sticky RecyclerView - SimpleRecyclerView
- Number ticker - Ticker
Mockito, Espresso, DaggerMock, LeakCanary, KtLint (linter for Kotlin), CrashLytics, Firebase Perf,
- To creators of used libs
- Tautvydas Strioga for external db and APIs
- These articles for inspiration: