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Hungenberg Alexander, INA-DNA-INF authored and Hungenberg Alexander, INA-DNA-INF committed Jun 29, 2020
1 parent 5634ff3 commit f113b43
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Showing 13 changed files with 759 additions and 0 deletions.
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions .github/workflows/pythonrelease.yml
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@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
name: Upload Python Package

types: [created]

runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Set up Python
uses: actions/setup-python@v1
python-version: 3.8
- name: Install Poetry
run: |
pip install poetry
- name: Build and publish
run: |
poetry version ${GITHUB_REF/refs\/tags\/v/}
poetry build
poetry publish
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions .github/workflows/pythontest.yml
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@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
name: Tests

on: [push]

runs-on: ubuntu-latest

- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Set up Python
uses: actions/setup-python@v1
python-version: 3.8
- name: Install Poetry and Dependencies
run: |
pip install poetry
poetry install
- name: Lint with flake8
run: |
poetry run flake8 . --count --max-complexity=10 --max-line-length=120 --statistics
working-directory: ./src
- name: Static Typechecking with MyPy
run: |
poetry run mypy -p secrets_tool
working-directory: ./src
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
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@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
58 changes: 58 additions & 0 deletions
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# Secrets Tool
This is a small tool which helps to encrypt secrets that must be committed to a Git repository.

It has the advantage to natively support partial encryption of YAML files. This is of great advantage, as it allows to see the YAML file structure even when some of its contents are encrypted (your PR reviewers and diff tools will thank you)

## Prerequisites
* Python >= 3.7
* Having the following packages installed: `pip install ruamel.yaml cryptography`

## Usage
The tool reads a list of files to encrypt/decrypt from a `.gitignore` file. In there it will only consider files that are sorrounded by a comment block as in the following example:


Run the tool by giving the `.gitignore` file as an argument, together with either a `encrypt` or `decrypt` command:

python -m utils.secrets_tool k8s_helm/.gitignore encrypt

## Syntax
The tool provides different encryption handlers for all kind of file types.
* `yaml` for YAML files that are used by tools which are okay having a `!decrypted` tag in front of strings
* `yamlcompat` for tools that don't like the additional 'encryption marker' tag.
* `generic` for all other file types. It encrypts the complete file.

The desired encryption handler is inferred from the filetype - or it can be given explicitly in the gitignore file using the `# type:` hint:

# type: yaml

### yamlcompat
This encryption handler can encrypt individual YAML keys without relying on 'parser visible' changes in the YAML file structure.
Instead of marking the desired keys directly in the file, they are listed in the .gitignore file using a `# data: ` comment:

# type: yamlcompat
# data: splunk.apiToken
# data:

*WARNING* It is recommended to use the normal YAML handler whenever possible. When using the yamlcompat module, you split up your encryption logic over multiple files, which might lead to errors (especially on fragile YAML files that contain unnamed structures - like lists)
302 changes: 302 additions & 0 deletions poetry.lock

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions pyproject.toml
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name = "secrets_tool"
description = "A lightweight tool to easily encrypt/decrypt secrets inside a repository"
authors = ["Alexander Hungenberg <[email protected]>"]
license = "MIT"
readme = ""
repository = ""
classifiers = [
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3",
"License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License",
"Operating System :: OS Independent",

# Version is set by GitHub action workflow (on release)
version = "0.0.1+local"

python = "^3.8"
cryptography = "^2.9.2"
"ruamel.yaml" = "^0.16.10"

secrets_tool = "secrets_tool.__main__:main"

mypy = "^0.782"
flake8 = "^3.8.3"
requires = ["poetry>=0.12"]
build-backend = "poetry.masonry.api"
Empty file added src/secrets_tool/
Empty file.
74 changes: 74 additions & 0 deletions src/secrets_tool/
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@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
import argparse
import re
from pathlib import Path

from .handlers.generic import GenericFileHandler
from .handlers.yaml import YamlFileHandler
from .handlers.yamlcompat import YamlCompatFileHandler

'yaml': YamlFileHandler,
'yamlcompat': YamlCompatFileHandler,
'generic': GenericFileHandler,

def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('command', choices=('e', 'encrypt', 'd', 'decrypt'))

args = parser.parse_args()

secrets_file_locations = (
Path(Path.home(), '.tap-rubik-key'),
Path(Path.home(), '.secrets-tool-key'),

for path in secrets_file_locations:
if path.exists():
key = path.read_bytes().strip()[:32]
raise Exception('Could not find file with your secret key.')

gitignore_filepath = Path(args.filename)
base_path = gitignore_filepath.parent

gi_content = gitignore_filepath.read_text('ascii')
gi_content_match ='(?s)# BEGIN ENCRYPTED\n(.*)\n# END ENCRYPTED', gi_content)

if gi_content_match is None:
raise Exception("Couldn't find a # BEGIN/END ENCRYPTED section in the provided .gitignore file")
gi_content_match =

statement_expr = r'^(?:# type: (?P<type>\w+)\n(?P<data_raw>(?:# data: .+\n)*))?^(?P<filepath>[^#\n].*)$'
for statement in re.finditer(statement_expr, gi_content_match, flags=re.MULTILINE):
data_raw ='data_raw')
data = [raw.strip() for raw in data_raw.split('# data: ') if len(raw) > 0] if data_raw is not None else None

filepath = base_path /'filepath')

type_ ='type')
if type_ is None:
if filepath.suffix in ('.yml', '.yaml'):
type_ = 'yaml'
type_ = 'generic'
handler = HANDLERS[type_]

if args.command in ('e', 'encrypt'):
target_path = Path(str(filepath) + '.enc')

handler(filepath, data).dump_encrypted(target_path, key)
print(f'ENCRYPTED {filepath.resolve()} (into {target_path.resolve()})')
elif args.command in ('d', 'decrypt'):
source_path = Path(str(filepath) + '.enc')

handler(source_path, data).dump_decrypted(filepath, key)
print(f'DECRYPTED {source_path.resolve()} (into {filepath.resolve()})')

if __name__ == '__main__':
56 changes: 56 additions & 0 deletions src/secrets_tool/
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Implementing custom encryption, as the default "fernet" method from the cryptography package
uses random initialization numbers, which cause a different encrypted string for identical content all the time.
We don't need message authentication in our case, and changing strings would be annoying in Git.
import base64

from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes, padding
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher, algorithms, modes

def encrypt(data: bytes, key: bytes, iv_bytes: bytes) -> bytes:
data can be bytes of arbitrary length
key must be 32 bytes long
iv_bytes can be of arbitrary length, as they will be hashed
iv_digest = hashes.Hash(hashes.SHA256(), default_backend())
iv = iv_digest.finalize()[:16]

algorithm = algorithms.AES(key)
mode = modes.CBC(iv)

cipher = Cipher(algorithm, mode=mode, backend=default_backend())
encryptor = cipher.encryptor()

padder = padding.PKCS7(algorithm.block_size).padder()
to_encrypt = padder.update(iv + data) + padder.finalize()

encrypted = encryptor.update(to_encrypt) + encryptor.finalize()
return base64.b64encode(encrypted)

def decrypt(data: bytes, key: bytes) -> bytes:
data should be encrypted binary, encoded as base64 - as it is produced by 'encrypt()'
key must be 32 bytes long

data = base64.b64decode(data)
iv = data[:16]
message = data[16:]

algorithm = algorithms.AES(key)
mode = modes.CBC(iv)

cipher = Cipher(algorithm, mode=mode, backend=default_backend())
decryptor = cipher.decryptor()
decrypted_padded = decryptor.update(message) + decryptor.finalize()

unpadder = padding.PKCS7(algorithm.block_size).unpadder()
decrypted = unpadder.update(decrypted_padded) + unpadder.finalize()
return decrypted
Empty file.
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions src/secrets_tool/handlers/
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List

from .. import cipher

class GenericFileHandler:
def __init__(self, filepath: Path, data: List[str]):
self.filepath = filepath

def dump_decrypted(self, target: Path, key: bytes):
target.write_bytes(cipher.decrypt(self.filepath.read_bytes(), key))

def dump_encrypted(self, target: Path, key: bytes):
target.write_bytes(cipher.encrypt(self.filepath.read_bytes(), key, str(self.filepath).encode('utf8')))
91 changes: 91 additions & 0 deletions src/secrets_tool/handlers/
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@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
Classes to encrypt and decrypt YAML files
- Encryption operation will look for fields with the "!decrypted" hint and replace them with an encrypted version of
their content. This will be marked with the "!encrypted" hint
- Decryption operation will look for fields with the "!encrypted" hint and replace them with a decrypted version of
their content. This will be marked with the "!decrypted" hint
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List

import ruamel.yaml

from .. import cipher

class DecryptedString:
yaml_tag = '!decrypted'

def __init__(self, data: str): = data

def from_encrypted(cls, data: str, key):
return cls(cipher.decrypt(data.encode('ascii'), key).decode('utf8'))

def from_yaml(cls, constructor, node):
return cls(node.value)

def to_yaml(cls, representer, node):
return representer.represent_scalar(cls.yaml_tag,

class EncryptedString:
yaml_tag = '!encrypted'

def __init__(self, data: str): = data

def from_decrypted(cls, data: str, key: bytes, iv: bytes):
return cls(cipher.encrypt(data.encode('utf8'), key, iv).decode('ascii'))

def from_yaml(cls, constructor, node):
return cls(node.value)

def to_yaml(cls, representer, node):
return representer.represent_scalar(cls.yaml_tag,

class YamlFileHandler:
def __init__(self, filepath: Path, data: List[str]):
self.yaml = ruamel.yaml.YAML()

self.filepath = filepath

def dump_decrypted(self, target: Path, key: bytes):
tree = self.yaml.load(self.filepath)

self._walk_item(tree, EncryptedString,
lambda enc_string, iv: DecryptedString.from_encrypted(, key))

self.yaml.dump(tree, target)

def dump_encrypted(self, target: Path, key: bytes):
tree = self.yaml.load(self.filepath)

self._walk_item(tree, DecryptedString,
lambda dec_string, iv: EncryptedString.from_decrypted(, key, iv.encode('utf8')))

self.yaml.dump(tree, target)

def _walk_item(self, item, type_, callback, path=''):
if isinstance(item, dict):
for key in item.keys():
if isinstance(item[key], type_):
item[key] = callback(item[key], path + f'.{key}')
self._walk_item(item[key], type_, callback, path=path + f'.{key}')
elif isinstance(item, list):
for i in range(len(item)):
if isinstance(item[i], type_):
item[i] = callback(item[i], path + f'.{i}')
self._walk_item(item[i], type_, callback, path=path + f'.{i}')

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