PRW is a simple python-based RAT for educational purposes using WebSockets
Advanced Remote Administration tool for Windows Systems written in pure Python.
I really love the original work by FZGbzuw412/Python-RAT for it's shortness and nice features. But I had massive problems due to the fixed buffer sizes for the communication pattern, especially when the answers became to large:
def result(self):
result_output = client.recv(1024).decode()
So my first idea was just to change the code from simple socket usage to websockets (with execption of the streaming features). This whould make handling of sending and receiving messages much easier. Oh man, what was I thinking? A few small changes, I thought. Like such a newbie. The whole thing has now escalated into a complete rewrite starting from scratch. Let's see if this will work out now.
This software is for educational and show hacking purposes only! Do not use it to harm anyone (and honestly, any virus scanner or EDR should blow this thing completely to pieces)! By using my application you automatically agree to all laws that apply to you and take responsibility for your actions! Violation of laws can have serious consequences! As the developer, I do not accept any liability and am not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this program.
Client: Windows
Server: Windows or Linux