SInkhorn Dynamic Domain Adaptation (SIDDA) supplements the experiments presented in 2501.14048, SIDDA: SInkhorn Dynamic Domain Adaptation for Image Classification with Equivariant Neural Networks.
SIDDA introduces a semi-supervised, automatic domain adaptation method that leverages Sinkhorn divergences to dynamically adjust the regularization in the optimal transport plan and the weighting between classification and domain adaptation loss terms during training.
- Minimal hyperparameter tuning: SIDDA utilizes information from the NN latent space geometry to dynamically adjust the OT plan during training. Loss coefficients are trainable parameters, bypassing the need for tuning loss terms when training with domain adaptation.
- Extensive validation: Tested on synthetic and real-world datasets, including:
- Synthetic shapes and astronomical objects generated with DeepBench.
- The MNIST-M dataset.
- The Galaxy Zoo Evo dataset.
- Compatible with:
- CNNs implemented in PyTorch.
- Equivariant Neural Networks (ENNs) using escnn.
- Minimal Computational overhead: SIDDA is written using PyTorch and geomloss, for efficient implementation of Sinkhorn divergences.
All datasets used in this project are available on our Zenodo page.
To set up the environment, install the required dependencies using:
pip install -r requirements.txt
or consult appropriate online documentation.
The repository is organized into the following components:
Dataset Handling:
Contains dataset classes for loading and preprocessing all datasets used in the experiments. -
Model Definitions:
Includes implementations of the CNN and ENN models. -
Training Scripts:
Standard training with cross-entropy loss only.src/scripts/
Implementation of the SIDDA training algorithm.
Testing Scripts:
Standard model evaluation script.src/scripts/
Script for evaluating model calibration.
Configuration Management:
Training and testing are managed via YAML configuration files.
An example configuration file for typical training is provided at:
, while an example yaml for SIDDA is provided atsrc/scripts/example_yaml_train_SIDDA.yaml
. To train a model, runpython --config example_yaml_train_SIDDA.yaml
After training, the training results are dumped into a directory <save_dir> which can be specified in the yaml file. The outputted directory has the following naming convention: <savedir_model_(DA)_timestr>
. The directory includes the best-epoch model, final model, loss curve(s) data,
To test the model, run
python \
--model_path "/path/to/directory/containing/model" \
--x_test_path "/path/to/test/images" \
--y_test_path "/path/to/test/labels" \
--output_name "name for metrics files" \
--model_name "type of model (D_4 or CNN)"
The calibration testing script takes all the same arguments as above.
The test script will save:
- a sklearn classification report for all saved models in the directory (
) - source and target domain latent vectors for each model on the whole test set (
). This can later be used to plot isomaps for the models. - model predictions for each model over the whole test set (
) - confusion matrices for each model over the whole test set (
The calibration test script will further save:
- calibrated confusion matrices (
) - calibrated probabilities on the whole test set (
) - Expected calibration error (ECE) and Brier scores (
Exploratory Data Analysis
These notebooks walk through the data generation procedure for simulated datasets (shapes and astronomical objects), inducing covariate shifts (for shapes, astronomical objects, and MNIST-M), and properly loading the galaxy evo dataset.
Paper Plots
These notebooks can be used to reproduce Figures 4 and 5 in the paper. The data can be found on our Zenodo page.
- Sneh Pandya
title={SIDDA: SInkhorn Dynamic Domain Adaptation for Image Classification with Equivariant Neural Networks},
author={Sneh Pandya and Purvik Patel and Brian D. Nord and Mike Walmsley and Aleksandra Ćiprijanović},