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EAF Starter Guide

Brian Nord edited this page May 23, 2023 · 10 revisions


  1. Navigate to the EAF Jupyter Hub Home Page
  2. Login using Services account
  3. Start your server: Use the Astro/Cosmic Frontier group.
  4. Clone your GitHub repo using the terminal command and accessing your GitHub account.
    • You will need a personal access token to clone the repo. It can be obtained in your Github settings:
      1. Settings -> Developer settings -> Personal Access tokens -> Tokens (Classic) -> Generate new Token
      2. Give access to the repository.
      3. Copy your personal access token, and store it safely.
  5. Setup your environment if needed.
    1. To use conda or mamba, you need to first initialize your shell.
    2. From a terminal launcher, run mamba init.
    3. Create a .profile in your home directory with the following:
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ];
    . ~/.bashrc

DeepSkies Toolbox

Currently Available Software

  1. DeepTemplate-Tools
  2. DeepTemplate-Science

Coming soon

  1. DeepBench
  2. DeepGotData
  3. DeepUtils

Computational Facilities

  1. Google Colaboratory
  2. Elastic Analysis Facility (EAF; Fermilab)
    1. EAF ReadtheDocs
    2. Quick OnboardingGuide
  3. Research Computing Center (UChicago)

Computing Guides:

  1. coming soon.
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