Project Description - "Create a software system that produces an image stereo-pair from a single, ortho-corrected image and a height (depth) field with identical sample spacing. Ortho-corrected satellite imagery and the corresponding pixel-for-pixel height fields are readily available and are used as inputs to scientific models. We seek a process that will create an image stereo-pair for visualization purposes, utilizing the two readily available sources above. We are interested in software to both create and validate the process."
We - Abemelech, Deepak, Sofonias, and Soobin (ADSS) - are planning on creating an interface for users to input Ortho-corrected satellite imagery with depth field data and output stereo-pair images.
To use this software, clone this repository and install the required dependencies:
git clone
cd stereo-depth
python -m venv venv
pip install -r requirements.txt
git clone
cd stereo-depth
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
usage: [-h] -l LEFT -r RIGHT -b BASELINE -f FOCAL [-d DEPTH] [--validate] [--execute]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-l LEFT, --left LEFT The Path of left stero image
-r RIGHT, --right RIGHT
The Path of right stero image
-b BASELINE, --baseline BASELINE
The baseline of the stereo image
-f FOCAL, --focal FOCAL
The focal-length of the stereo image in pixels
-d DEPTH, --depth DEPTH
The Path of the depth image (only required for validation)
--validate Validate the depth map
--execute Execute the disparity and depth map processing
To use the software, provide the left and right stereo images as inputs. The software supports two main operations: --execute for processing and generating depth maps, and --validate for validating generated maps against provided depth maps.
python --execute -l path/to/left_image.jpg -r path/to/right_image.jpg -b <baseline> -f <focal-length pixel>
This command processes the provided stereo images to generate a depth map. The results will be saved as 'test.png'.
NOTE: We have example images in the images folder for testing purposes (Baseline = 0.6, Focal-length in pixel = 645.24)
python --validate -l path/to/left_image.jpg -r path/to/right_image.jpg -b <baseline> -f <focal-length pixel> -d path/to/provided_depth_map.csv
This command validates the generated depth map against the provided reference depth map. The accuracy metrics will be displayed in the console.