Created by Debanshu Singh 12/08/2014
Open VS project Input scene file as cmd line parameter - default is set to ${PROJECT_DIR}/scenes/scene.txt
Extra parameter for scene file to enable monte carlo MONTECARLO 1
5.1 OpenMP - implemented in Scene::render function 5.2 Anti-aliasing - 4x Jittered Super-Sampling 5.3 Area Lights & Soft Shadows ---------------------- |Performance Analysis| ---------------------- Scene - ${PROJECT_DIR}/scenes/dragon_arealights.txt Image - dragon_arealights.bmp With OpenMP - 10.3s Without OpenMP - 36.2s
6.0 Cross Platform Compatible. thirdparty folder includes libraries for building on OSX/WINDOWS
6.1 [Monte Carlo] (EXTRA CREDIT) ray.cpp - Indirect Illumination ---------------------- |Performance Analysis| ---------------------- Scene - ${PROJECT_DIR}/scenes/montecarlo.txt Image - montecarlo_cornell.bmp With 200 iterations - 320s
6.3 [Acceleration] (EXTRA CREDIT) bvh.h - Bounding Volume Hierarchy (BVH) - AABB top-down construction - Median Cut Partitioning with Rotating Axis Splits (based on this paper - - maximum tree depth - height increases until 2 leaves remain - spanning triangles - add to both left and right ---------------------- |Performance Analysis| ---------------------- Scene - ${PROJECT_DIR}/scenes/dragon.txt Image - dragon.bmp With Acceleration(&OpenMP) - 10.3s Without Acceleration(&OpenMP) - >2 hours (does not finish)
class Raytracer - implements trace function which contains soft-shadows and monte carlo (EXTRA CREDIT) class Scene - parse scene files - build scene graph as a tree with nodes of Class Node class Node - objects of type node are stored in the Scene Graph - provides accessors for children and parent class Geometry - added functions load and setColor class Mesh - added BVH creation (EXTRA CREDIT) class Camera - provides camera information for calculating lookAt
UtilityCore from Yining Karl Li's TAKUA render - for Safegetline Design based on Raytracer Design Note -