Auto-populating the session data from Sessionize requires a basic set of seed data. An example of this can be found in 2024_SeedData.sql
Once this script has been run against the DB you can call the admin endpoint to refresh the data. This requires the Admin API key which can be retrieved from Azure key vault secret pocketddd-<env>-admin-api-key
POST /api/eventdata/RefreshFromSessionize HTTP/1.1
Authorization: <insert-admin-key>
Ensure the Azure, GitHub, and terraform CLIs are installed
brew install azure-cli
brew install gh
brew install terraform
Login to Azure and GitHub
az login
gh auth login
Retrieve the access key for the terraform state storage account
export ARM_ACCESS_KEY=$(az storage account keys list -g pocketddd-terraform-state -n pocketdddterraformstate --query [0].value -o tsv)
From the terraform
directory run init, plan, then apply if happy with the changes.
cd ./terraform
terraform init -backend-config="dev.terraform.tfstate"
terraform plan -var-file ../tfvars/dev.tfvars
terraform apply -var-file ../tfvars/dev.tfvars