Team Exploration - Diversity and Inclusion
Overview of this release
📝 Added diversity and inclusion discussion.
Progress Since Last Release
In the past week, our team collaborated to do broad research and then narrow down on a single idea to focus on for the rest of the semester. In the process, we learned a lot more about what blockchain technology can be used to accomplish and explored several creative ideas that our members came up with. We also learned more about our strengths and weaknesses as team members and collaborated to fill in any gaps. The majority of our time last week was spent on Assignment 2 for CSC454.
In addition, we made time to have team discussions on Zoom to talk to each other. We used the provided prompts from Part 3 of CSC454 Assignment 2a (Startup Team) and this Diversity and Inclusion assignment. Afterwards, the students in CSC491 (Stella, Safa, and Windsor) worked together to draft the actual writeup for the Diversity and Inclusion assignment based on the information we consolidated.
Summary of Issues
We created and closed issues relating to Assignment 2 for CSC454, including different steps of the process like ideation, research, writing, and creating pitch decks. We also created issues to coordinate the writing and release of Assignment 2 for CSC491.
Changes to Roadmap, Architecture, or Use Cases