This is an implementation of the Enigma-Machine in C++, as part of my Computer Science Course at Imperial College.
The Enigma Machine was invented during the second world war to encrypt/ decrypt messages. It was eventually cracked by Alan
Turing, a vary famous Computer Scientist. With this implementation, you can have fun and encrypt/ decrypt as many messages
as you like! The spec for this exerice is available in /doc
(Warning, this version uses Linux GCC (G++) which may not compile under different operating systems depending
on the compilers that are being used).
To compile, type make
while in the repositery. Then, simply invoke the executable like so:
./enigma rotors/II.rot rotors/I.rot (or any rotor) ... (as many rotors as you like, there is no limit on this implementation) plugboard/null.pb (or other plugboards)