A simple Groovy/Ratpack CRUD application using the simple GStorm ORM (https://github.com/kdabir/gstorm) and HSQLDB (http://hsqldb.org/) as the database. This is a port of a version I created previously using Sinatra/Ruby.
WARNING: GStorm is a new project and might change. I actually used the 0.3/0.4 versions
This was created as a learning and proof-of-concept project for BOTH Groovy and Ratpack, and is not expected to be beautiful by any means.
As, I said, this is a learning tool and is a works-in-progress.
Known "issue": I am not closing the connection right now. There is a feature request in Ratpack for a shutdown hook so this can be done:
Right now the tests are in a separate folder and should be run when the main project is up. There is only actually one single functional test using HtmlUnit, which is invoked as a simple Groovy JUnit test without any of the usual @Before @After methods. I will modify this, eventually to use geb.
I'm still learning Groovy and Ratpack and haven't yet learned Groovy-style testing using geb.
Also, feel free to use this as you see fit, but BE WARNED this isn't really production-ready code and use it at your own risk.
You have been warned!!!
This is based upon several resources I discovered on the internet. I will add resource links links when I update the project.
For now see:
for details on the Ratpack Framework.
for details on the GStorm ORM.