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This project is just a personal fun project. Its public, mostly for easier usage on my own end, but not with the intention of providing support, accepting pull requests, or likewise. Why? Simply because I don't plan to actively monitor or develop this project. At the same time, I do not care to just breaking thing as I like...and ignoring the semver I'm using here.
Sorry, for now, this is how it is. I might, or might not, spend some time to clean up things. Currently, I am adding some documentation, so maybe it becomes useful for someone else, although I doubt it.
Note: This repo most certainly contains some odd things, which you shouldn't do (coding wise). Basically anything in here, I used for the first time when I started this project ...and I experiment(ed) a lot.
I wanted to have a recipe app: * with multi-language recipe support and translations * version protocolled recipes * remote backend, and possibility for different frontend-solutions * all private. I don't want to have my family recipes shared randomly * also I wanted to store any recipes from the internet, while not violating copy-rights etc. * maybe more...mostly to learn... :)