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MklBst edited this page Sep 10, 2014 · 6 revisions

When to start?

From startup of app, after the parameters are first downloaded

How to ask the user to fill?

Add a button on the dashboard that slowly pulses until all questionnaires are answered (and grays out afterwards). Clicking it leads to another screen with the list of (three) questionnaires to fill. Each one has a check (as we had for internet settings in the measures screen): either not touched, partially completed, or finished.

If not all questionnaires are immediately answered to at the very beginning:

Aside from a pulsing button on the dashboard, the beginning/end questionnaires could also be suggested twice a day if not yet completed (immediately after the morning & evening questionnaire). Concretely:

  • first chance to complete beginning questionnaire: when parameters are downloaded, participant reaches the dashboard and may click on the pulsing button
  • participant may at any moment come back spontaneously on the dashboard and click on the pulsing button
  • in the evening of day 1, straight after evening questionnaire completion, a message appear to suggest profile completion and redirects to the list of questionnaires
  • in the morning of day 2, straight after morning questionnaire completion, a message appear to suggest "profile completion and redirects to the list of questionnaires
  • and so on for evening of day 2, 3... and morning of day 3, etc. up to morning of day N (see "Any penalties for not answering")

Do we require completion of questionnaires to start the normal probe/daily questionnaires?

No, No, No: chances to be probed are immediate after the parameters are first downloaded.

Any penalty for not answering?

What about morning and evening questionnaires endlessly remind of beginning questionnaire? (if not: Block normal functioning (daily questionnaires and probes) if not answered within X days: all polls redirect to questionnaires)

Questionnaire splitable?

Ideal is to separate the 3 questionnaires as different steps. The best is that they are completed each as a whole, one at a time. Still allow partial saving in each questionnaire. Technically: each questionnaire is a sequence in the parameters file. When the user has answered partially, all answered pages are flagged as pageAnswered (see status constants in the class), and the sequence is flagged as partiallyCompleted. So next time it opens, you just need to jump to the first non-answered page (as is done now in Sequence.getRelevantPagesAndGroup()).