Python + Flask Website following Miguel Grinberg's tutorial
Index page:
Profile page:
Search page:
- Python 3
- aiosmtpd
- pyjwt
- JavaScript
- Moment.js
- Flask
- Flask-SQLAlchemy
- Flask-Migrate
- Flask-Login
- Flask-Mail
- Flask-Moment
- Jinja
- WTForms
- SQLAlchemy
- Alembic
- Bootstrap
- Elasticsearch (via Docker)
- Use "flask run" to start the server on http://localhost:5000.
- Elasticsearch Docker container must be started to search or commit to the db.
- Use 'python' to run the unit tests.
- Use "venv\scripts\activate" to activate virtual Python environment.
- Set "FLASK_DEBUG" variable to 1 before running to enable debugging mode.
- To enable local email server for errors:
- pip install aiosmtpd
- (in second terminal)
- aiosmtpd -n -c aiosmtpd.handlers.Debugging -l localhost:8025
- (in original terminal)
- set MAIL_SERVER=localhost
- set MAIL_PORT=8025
- Application includes separate blueprints for these submodules:
- Error Handling (errors)
- Authentication (auth)
- Main Functionality (main)
- For security, the ".env" file is not included in the repository and must be created manually.
- Virtual environment can be set up with "pip install -r requirements.txt"
- Venv setup file can be updated with "pip freeze > requirements.txt"