A wall hanging drip fountain powered by an arduino & 3D printed peristaltic pump.
I brought a little rain indoors using some copper pipe, an arduino, some cheap 28byj-48 steppers and some custom 3D printed parts.
The peristaltic pump design is by ralf and uses two 28byj-48 motors driven inversely by a single motor controller (by swapping the wires of one motor) to make up for the limited torque the motors provide.
I found that the tubing softness and wall thickness has a large impact on the pump and had to experiment with tubes and shims to achieve the result I wanted. I also printed my pump using PLA and haven't noticed any warping from the motor heat thus far.
The fountain only looses water via evaporation so it will run for weeks between needing to be refilled.
The wooden cover was cut from a scrap and is held on with magnets.