NeuroInfer (NI) is a tool for drawing Bayesian inferences on the associations between cognitive processes and brain activations based on meta-analytic data from fMRI published studies. In a nutshell, it allows neuroscientists to interpret their results and assess the reliability of their hypotheses. Compared to available tools (e.g., NeuroSynth, NeuroQuery, BACON), NI implements a more sophisticated Bayesian analysis (based on Bayesian confirmation theory). The NI framework includes a database of published fMRI studies and related metadata (updated in 2018 and shared with NeuroSynth and NeuroQuery), a vocabulary of terms, and a Python-based algorithm to perform the analysis.
First, be sure all the needed dependencies are correctly installed:
$ pip install -r neuroinfer/requirements.txt
In order to open the gui on your own browser, just run the script from your terminal:
$ cd /your/path/to/neuroinfer/root
$ pyhon -m neuroinfer.server
The python script analysis can be separatedely launched as follows:
$ pyhon
Enter cog(s) here (if more than one separate them with a comma): memory
Enter a prior between 0.001 and 1.000 associated with memory: 0.1
The analysis will be run on: memory with prior probability: 0.1.
Do you want to insert coordinates (c) or the area (a)? a
Choose an area from the list: 150
Enter ROI radius here (in mm): 4
Selected area: 150Radius: 4.0 mm.
Specify the Bayesian confirmation measure you want to use in the analysis (type one of the following letter):
'a' for Bayes' Factor;
'b' for difference measure;
'c' for ratio measure.
Then the result is saved:
$ Time in min: 0.03
$ Results saved to: /home/saram/PhD/neuroinfer_brainhack23/neuroinfer/results/results_BHL_area150.pickle
- general optimization of the analysis code
- implementation searchlight analysis
- implementation whole-brain analysis
- implementation of atlas-guided analysis
- should be turned into
- should be turned into a listener of the script form
- index.html should be automatically open when the python script is run
- create a python script to listen to the scripts output and lunch the anlaysis.
- add a loading image in the web page while the analysis is run (and possibly estimate the time)
- add an info box in the web page if the python script is detached
- fix mni template showing when loading the page
- implementing labeling overimposed to brain template (HTML5 & canvas)
- implementing multi plots/results viewing/selection
├── code/
│ │── # a template using flask_cors to interact with the javascript
│ │──
│ │── # core bayesian anlaysis work
│ │──
│ │── # expects input from the command-line
│ └── # main script (to be moved inside
├── html/
│ │── index.html # this should be automatically open when the python
│ │── main.js # provide the scripts to itneract with python
│ │── styles.css
│ └── viewer-config.js # initialize neuroimaging div with mni template
├── templates/
│ └── {...}.nii.gz
├── data/ # it contains the bibliography data needed to compute the analysis
│ │── featuures7.npz
│ │── metadata7.csv
│ │── vocabulary7.txt
│ │── data-neurosynth_version-7_metadata.tsv
│ └── data-neurosynth_version-7_coordinates.tsv
├── rii-mango-Papaya-#####/ # from papaya repo. it hosts the papaya visualizer js
├── images/