This is a Java 8 project that exposes a REST API documented with OpenAPI, developed with SpringBoot 2.3.1 using H2 database for persistency with an initial load of data. It implements the following scenario.
It has been done following the MVC design pattern and using Spring Tool Suite 4
For primary key of the PRICES table has been chosen three fields: BRAND_ID, PRODUCT_ID and PRICE_LIST. This decision has been done thinking that cannot be a row in the table that has the same values for these fields.
Data types for each field:
Once that the repository has been cloned:
$ git clone
import the project in your IDE and to execute it, right click of the mouse in spring-boot-pvpmanager folder in Package Explorer window and select Run as > Spring Boot App
The project is deployed and ready to verify that implements the requested scenario. You can access to its exposed API here: http://localhost:8080/pvp-manager-api.html
To verify the scenario, you can test in the OpenAPI User Interface, the get method in pvp group writing manually all the values or you can simply click in the following links that use the same data that is used in each test:
Test1: has to return priceList 1
- input data:
brandId = 1, productId=35455, date=2020-06-14-10.00.00
- URL: http://localhost:8080/pvp-manager/pvp/1/35455/2020-06-14-10.00.00
- output data:
- input data:
Test2: has to return priceList 2
- input data:
brandId = 1, productId=35455, date=2020-06-14-16.00.00
- URL: http://localhost:8080/pvp-manager/pvp/1/35455/2020-06-14-16.00.00
- output data:
- input data:
Test3: has to return priceList 1
- input data:
brandId = 1, productId=35455, date=2020-06-14-21.00.00
- URL: http://localhost:8080/pvp-manager/pvp/1/35455/2020-06-14-21.00.00
- output data:
- input data:
Test4: has to return priceList 3
- input data:
brandId = 1, productId=35455, date=2020-06-15-10.00.00
- URL: http://localhost:8080/pvp-manager/pvp/1/35455/2020-06-15-10.00.00
- output data:
- input data:
Test5: has to return priceList 4
- input data:
brandId = 1, productId=35455, date=2020-06-16-21.00.00
- URL: http://localhost:8080/pvp-manager/pvp/1/35455/2020-06-16-21.00.00
- output data:
- input data:
Implementation of the controller can be examinated in PvpApiController class
Going beyond the scope of the scenario, a full CRUD set of operations has been implemented for the application in order to manage PRICES table:
- Add a new price.
- Update an existing price.
- Delete an existing price by ID.
- Get all prices in the table.
Implemention can be examinated in PriceApiController class
When the project is deployed, also is available h2 console: http://localhost:8080/h2-console in order to connect there and verify that the database initially has the requested content.
This data can be used to login:
Driver Class: org.h2.Driver
JDBC URL: jdbc:h2:mem:pvpmanagerdb;DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=FALSE
User Name: sa
Password: password
Once we are logged, we can check the content of PRICES table executing this query:
To run the requested tests we can do it executing this command from spring-boot-pvpmanager folder:
$ mvn test
Note: mvn has to be installed in order to execute the command
Near of the end of the execution log, we can find this line:
[INFO] Results:
[INFO] Tests run: 12, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0
Detail of each test can be found previously of this text above.
Five tests has been requested in the scenario, testing the rest endpoint, but the project contains also additional tests to check that select operations to database works fine.
JUnitTests classes:
- test the rest endpoint.
- using
- required tests.
- test the select operations to database.
- using
- additional tests