This is a rough POC to see if we can stream Amazon Pinpoint (and SES?) events into Timestream to be visualized with Grafana or Amazon Quicksight
- Create S3 Bucket to hold build artifacts
aws cloudformation package --template template.yaml --s3-bucket [Bucket Name From Above] --output yaml --output-template-file packaged-template.yaml
aws cloudformation deploy --template-file packaged-template.yaml --stack-name pinpoint-timestream --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM
- Run Grafana. Use AWS Managed Grafana, Run Locally (See Below), or use Hosted Grafana
- Connect to Timestream:
- Install Docker
- Copy Isengard bash/zsh Temporary Credentials into container shell. This sets temporary creds for Grafana to connect. Note this is really only good for Demo/POC purposes. Ideally want to stand this up on Fargate, connect to RDS so configs can be retained.
- Launch Docker
docker run -d -p 3000:3000 --name=grafana -e "GF_INSTALL_PLUGINS=grafana-timestream-datasource" --env ISENGARD_PRODUCTION_ACCOUNT --env AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID --env AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY --env AWS_SESSION_TOKEN grafana/grafana
- Login to Grafana: http://localhost:3000 UN/PW: admin/admin. It will immediatly ask you to reset password.
- Configure Timestream Datasource
- Auth Provider: AWS SDK Default (will use the env variables passed into docker run command)
- Credentials Profile Name: leave blank
- Default Region: Select your region: US-East-1
- Test your connection and you should be able to see Timestream Databases and Tables.
- Create Dashboard from