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This repository contains R labs that accompany the OpenIntro Biostatistics textbook. These labs complement the conceptual material discussed in detail in the text by introducing statistical computing with R and R Markdown.

Each lab consists of a handout file with background information and problem statements, a solutions file with fully worked solutions and R code, and a template .Rmd file containing the basic structure to generate a file similar to the solutions file. The template is optimized for generating a PDF document.

We recommend that a full installation of TeX be downloaded before using the labs.

The .Rmd source for the handout and solutions files are also available, and may be of use to instructors.

Most of the datasets used in the labs can be accessed from the oibiostat R package; instructions are provided for downloading any additional datasets. To install the oibiostat package from GitHub:


User's Note

These labs were initially developed for a classroom setting, but can also be helpful for those interested in an independent learning experience. After working through these labs, a user will have a basic familiarity with conducting data analysis and visualization with R and generating reproducible reports with R Markdown.

Unit 0 contains two short tutorials for getting started with R and R Markdown: 00_intro_to_R.pdf and 01_intro_to_Rmd.Rmd. Subsequent units correspond to the chapters in OpenIntro Biostatistics. Each lab consists of three files: a handout file, a template file, and a solutions file.

  • The handout file (.pdf) contains background information and problem statements. An instructor might choose to provide printed handout files to students so they can easily reference the problem statements while working through the labs.

  • The template file (.Rmd) contains space for entering answers (both plain text writing and code) along with additional guidance related to R and R Markdown syntax. When compiled, the template generates a PDF document.

  • The solutions file (.pdf) contains fully worked solutions and code.

Each unit contains a 'Lab Notes' file (.pdf) that gives a high-level overview of the labs and provides detailed explanations of the R programming used in each lab.