This package allows to render flow charts and DAGs using server side rendering using the awesome Antvis G6 package
npm install @datayoga-io/node-g6
Given this input json:
"nodes": [
"id": "pipeline:a"
"id": "datastore:hello"
"id": "datastore:world"
"id": "file:source_file"
"id": "datastore:e"
"edges": [
"source": "pipeline:a",
"target": "datastore:hello"
"source": "pipeline:a",
"target": "datastore:world"
"source": "file:source_file",
"target": "pipeline:a"
"source": "pipeline:a",
"target": "datastore:e"
Generates the following image:
npx @datayoga-io/node-g6
or if you installed the module globally:
node-g6 <data>
render data
data data file in json format [string]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--options options file in json format
--out output file [required] [default: "pipeline.png"]
--help Show help [boolean]
import * as graph from "@datayoga-io/node-g6";
import * as fs from "fs";
const data = {
"nodes": [
"id": "pipeline:a"
"id": "store:hello"
"id": "store:world"
"id": "store:d"
"id": "store:e"
"edges": [
"source": "pipeline:a",
"target": "store:hello"
"source": "pipeline:a",
"target": "store:world"
"source": "pipeline:a",
"target": "store:d"
"source": "pipeline:a",
"target": "store:e"
// render to binary
const dagBinary = await graph.render(data, {});
// write to file