HTTP RESTFul for calling DataWow APIs
support or question [email protected]
pip install datawow
pip2 install datawow
The library has supports following version of python:
- Python 2.7 tested
- Python 3.5 tested
- Python 3.6 tested
Recommendation: We've created virtual-env for Python 3.5 on development process, thus we recommended to use Python version 3.5 or above.
For user who use conda, we haven't contribute yet
>>> import datawow as dw
There are 4 modules for API that you can import into your system
- Image API module
>>> import datawow.images as dw
- Text API module
>>> import datawow.texts as dw
- Video API module
>>> import datawow.videos as dw
- AI/Prediction API module
>>> import datawow.predictions as dw
In the image module, there are 4 APIs
>>> dw.Choice()
>>> dw.Message()
>>> dw.PhotoTag()
>>> dw.ClosedQuestion()
In the video module, there are 1 APIs
>>> dw.VideoClassify()
In the text module, there are 3 APIs
>>> dw.CategoryClassify()
>>> dw.Conversation()
>>> dw.ClosedQuestion()
In the prediction module, there are 1 APIs
>>> dw.Predictor()
- Image Documentation link
- Video Documentation link
- Text Documentation link
- AI/Prediction Documentation link
- Document verification Documentation link
To use response which is data has been contained in response
class and you can use dot operation to get you data
For check error or status by calling this
>>> result.error_code # 401
>>> result.message # Not authenticated
also you can check HTTP success by following
>>> result.code # 200
To use meta data such as pagination
>>> result.meta # {'code': 200, 'message': 'success'}