auto completion for docker with the BASH shell.
I wrote this because I couldn't find the official one but also because it was interesting.
But it turns out I can't get the official one to work very well. The official ones uses the standard output of the commands and this one uses the API. Maybe that makes a difference?
You first need the following dependencies:
- socat
- available in ubuntu with:
apt-get install socat
- jq
- the indispensible jq program
- available in ubuntu with:
apt-get install jq
- GNU Sed
- should be on all good unix systems
Then just pull this file and include it in your shell.
$ curl -o ~/.docker-complete $ source ~/.docker-complete
Of course, you could also add it to your .bashrc
Alternately, clone this repo on your boxes:
$ git clone
and then you can:
$ source docker-bash-completion/docker-complete
This ac will complete docker sub-commands (ps, images, etc...) for you. It does this automatically based on the docker help.
It won't do any further completion except in specific cases.
$ docker s[TAB] save search start stop $ docker se[TAB] $ docker search
This ac will complete docker names for you (based on the short name output by the docker ps command).
$ docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES aa571058142e nicferrier/elnode:latest /bin/sh -c '/usr/loc 4 hours ago Up 4 hours 6001/tcp,>8000/tcp berserk_hoover $ docker kill [TAB] $ docker kill berserk_hoover
This was actually why I wrote it but because the output of {{{docker ps}}} isn't parseable it's also this that requires the socat and jq dependencies. Frustrating. All tools everywhere should always provide parseable output and no, "you can use the API" isn't really an excuse.
Just do the same as docker kill
Short names only.