This is an i3wm + Xfce4 panel on Arch Setup. This is in testing
Use pacman -S to install the following packages: i3-gaps dmenu i3lock feh conky compton unclutter lxappearance menulibre i3status volumeicon thunar pavucontrol xautolock
Ex: $ sudo pacman -S i3-wm dmenu i3lock feh conky compton unclutter lxappearance menulibre i3status volumeicon thunar pavucontrol xautolock
Use AUR to install j4-dmenu-desktop Ex: $ trizen -S j4-dmenu-desktop
Install Xfce Panel and widgets
xfce4-panel xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin xfce4-weather-plugin xfce4-sensors-plugin xfce4-goodies
Ex: $ sudo pacman -S xfce4-panel xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin xfce4-weather-plugin xfce4-sensors-plugin xfce4-goodies
In Home folder CTRL + H to unhide files
Navigate to .config
Create folder named i3
Paste .config file downloaded in 'i3' folder
Paste compton.conf file downloaded in 'i3' folder
Navigate back to .config
locate xfce4 folder
paste downloaded xfce4 folder here
Move the downloaded wallpaper to your pictures folder Validate path is correct for feh in i3 .config file
Logout of current DE
Login to i3