Exploitation of Group Policy Preferences
Author: Darryl Lane | Twitter: @darryllane101
Originally the vulnerability was reported in MS14-025 as 'The vulnerability could allow elevation of privilege if Active Directory Group Policy preferences are used to distribute passwords across the domain'. This was patched, however the issue is still exploitable for other preference options as long as they require authentication to execute.
This script is used to gather the cpassword used in Group Policy Preferences and decrypt it regardless of the hosting xml file.
Authors: Darryl Lane | Twitter: @darryllane101
gpp (-s <server>) (-d <domain>) (-u <username>) (-p <password>)
gpp --version
gpp -h
gpp -s -d dlsec.local -u administrator -p Password123
-d <domain> Target Domain name.
-u <username> A valid domain user account, username.
-p <password> A valid domain user account, password.
-h --help Show this screen.
--version Show version.
Pip Install Instructions
Note: To test if pip is already installed execute.
pip -V
(1) Mac and Kali users can simply use the following command to download and install pip
curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py -o - | python
Bluto Install Instructions
(1) Once pip
has successfully downloaded and installed, we can install Bluto:
sudo pip install git+git://github.com/darryllane/gpp
(2) You should now be able to execute 'bluto' from any working directory in any terminal.
Upgrade Instructions
(1) The upgrade process is as simple as;
sudo pip install git+git://github.com/darryllane/gpp --upgrade
- Mine NETLOG for credentials
- Version 1.0.0 (20/08/2016):
- Mines SYSVOL for encrypted passwords and decrypts them.
- Evidences the data identified and it's location.