#Amp UI Framework
UI framework
Implements the following technologies
- NodeJS
- Grunt
- Sass
- Webpack
Supports the following UI automations
- NPM for package management
- Webpack for modular JavaScript development for higher quality, more maintainable JS code
- Grunt for managing the UI built process
- HTML & Accessibility Validation
- Sass, CSS Pre-processor
- CSS/JS minification
- ES Linting
- ESDoc for JavaScript documentation
Gruntfile.js file contains the build instructions for the Amp UI Repository. This file will process source files and run them against predefined Grunt tasks resulting in release folder content.
The following tasks are included in the build
Use HTML codesniffer to grade accessibility
Clean files and folders
Copy files
Minify CSS
Run predefined tasks whenever watched files change
HTML W3C validation
Generates source documentation using jsdoc
Interactive command line user prompts
Replace text patterns with applause
Compile SCSS to CSS
Spritesheet making utility
Parent task for generating tempalate files based on a pre-defined list of available template types
This task is a follow-up task that generates templates based on the user selected tamplate type
Task that generates a table of contents from the current file list, then injects this list into the index.html file
Includes framework for dynamically including static html content into files from external html files
The Package.json file contains packaging instructions for NodeJS in regards to the Amp UI Repository.
The amp-config.json file contains project specific configurations. Changes in this file can be modified to fit the specifics of any given project without the need to modify the Grintfile.js file.
Config file for eslint task.
JavaScript documentation generated via ESDoc. Currently, generation is done via a standalone grunt task...
grunt esdoc
Generated documentation can be viewed by visiting http://localhost:[port]/esdoc/index.html once documentation generation has been completed.
.gitignore is used to globally define what files are to be ignored by version control. Example, /release, /node_modules, .sass-cache, validation_report
The README.md file contains highj level details about the Amp UI Repository.
Source contains all the working copies of the UI Code base. These files are to be processed using Grunt tasks and deployed to a /release folder in each environment based on environment specific instructions.
Used by the tempGem grunt task to generate templates within the project
Used by the Reports grunt task to generate HTML & Accessibility report views
###Development Environment Dependencies
Git will beed to be installed on anyone running a Windows machine since it is not available out of the box.
The following link provides some good instructions on how to choose the right distribution and tools for setting up Git on a Windows box.
Run npm install after getting latest code from GIT to make sure all proper npm packages are installed
npm install
Run grunt after getting latest code and whenever you want to recompile the release folder
After running Grunt, run webpack-dev-server, this bundles all dependencies and starts the dev server on port 3333
Once the dev server is running, start the mock API server. This specific server handles store requests by serving up mock store data to be used by Redux.
json-server --watch store.json --port 3009
The Amp UI architecture contains a templating engine for generating page templates based on a pre-defined collection of template types.
Simply run the tempGen grunt task, define a template location (path) and name (NOTE: no extension needed), and choose a template type from the ones presented. The result is a generated template based on the provided criteria.
The grunt task looks like this...
grunt tempGen --tempName=_the-path-and-filename_
You will then be presented with the available template options. Just choose a template.
Watches for changes to HTML, SCSS, and JS files and pushes changes to Release directory.
The grunt task looks like this...
grunt watch
Webpack is used to bundle JS modules as well as handle code transpilation.
Run webpack from root
The architecure implements a WDS for viewing changes locally and managing JS module bundling in real time.
To start WDS simply type webpack-dev-server from the root directory.
A fake API server for stubbing out data. The current React implementation relies on this API for store functionality.
To start the API server simply type the following from the root directory...
json-server --watch store.json --port 3009