Those Utilities are a collection of scripts you can use to create Code Mods for Software Inc faster.
To use the utilities, simply load the C# classes inside your project.
- SincUtilities.UI
- SincUtilities.Utils
- SincUtilities.Serializer
- SincUtilities.Debug
- SincUtilities.Gameplay
The SincUtilities.UI class has a Window and Element namespace in it. The Window controls can be used with Windows and the Element controls can be used with Elements.
- UILabel: Creates a label
UILabel(string text, Rect pos, GUIWindow parent, string name = "", bool isBold = false, uint fontsize = 0);
- UIButton: Creates a button
UIButton(string text, Rect pos, UnityAction action, GUIWindow parent, string name = "", string tooltiptitle = "", string tooltipdesc = "");
- UISlider: Creates a slider
UISlider(int min, int max, int value, Rect pos, GUIWindow parent, UnityAction<float> action = null, string name = "", string tooltiptitle = "", string tooltipdesc = "");
- UICombobox: Creates a combobox
UICombobox(string[] items, Rect pos, GUIWindow parent, UnityAction action = null, int selected = 0);
- UICheckbox: Creates a checkbox
UICheckbox(string label, Rect pos, GUIWindow parent, UnityAction<bool> action = null, bool state = false, string tooltiptitle = "", string tooltipdesc = "");
- UITextbox: Creates a textbox
UITextbox(Rect pos, GUIWindow parent, string placeholder = "", string name = "", UnityAction<string> endeditaction = null, int fontsize = 15);
- UITooltip: Creates a tooltip
UITooltip(string title, string description, GameObject go);
The SincUtilities.Utils class contains a variety of functions that won't fit in any other class.
- RemoveDateTime: Removes x months from a SDateTime
RemoveDateTime(SDateTime old, int months);
- ShuffleList: Shuffles content from a list of objects
ShuffleList<T>(this IList<T> list);
- UpperFirstLetters: Sets every first letter of every word to uppercase
UpperFirstLetters(string str);
- GetPercentage: Adds/Subtracts a percentage from a value
GetPercentage(float value, float percentage, bool subtract = true);
- ReplaceValues: Replaces values from a string
ReplaceValues(string str, string[] values, string[] replacements);
ReplaceValues(string str, string values, string replacements);
ReplaceValues(string str, params KeyValuePair<string,string>[] pairs);
The SincUtilities.Serializer class contains a Serialize() and Deserialize() function to handle serialization.
- Serialize: Serializes classes/objects that are marked as [Serializable]
public class SClass
public int Id;
public string Name;
byte[] serialized = Serialize(new SClass(){Id = 1, Name = "Test"});
- Deserialize: Deserializes a bytearray to a class/object marked as [Serializable]
SClass deserialized = Deserialize<SClass>(serialized);
The SincUtilities.Debug class contains debugging/logging functions to easily log anything inside your mod
- ModName: Change the modname to save it inside the software inc datafolder
- Info: Logs a informational message
- Warn: Logs a warning
- Error: Logs an error
- Exception: Logs an exception
The SincUtilities.Gameplay class contains functions to easily handle gameplay elements
- Money.* : Adds/Removes money to the category (Money.Bills would add/remove money from the Bills category)
- Sales.Offline: Adds/Removes offline sales from a SoftwareProduct
- Sales.Online: Adds/Remmoves online sales from a SoftwareProduct
- Sales.Refunds: Adds/Removes refunds from a SoftwareProduct
- Fans.Product: Adds/Removes fans from the category of a SoftwareProduct
- Fans.Category: Adds/Removes fans from a SoftwareCategory
- Fans.* : Adds/Removes fans from the category (Fans.ComputerOS would add/remove fans from the Computer OS category)
- Popularity.Product: Adds/Removes popularity to the category of a SoftwareProduct
- Popularity.Category: Adds/Removes popularity to a SoftwareCategory
- Popularity.* : Adds/Removes popularity from the category (Popularity.ComputerOS would add/remove popularity form the Computer OS category)
- Experience.* : Adds/Removes experience in a category to an actor/employee (Experience.Leadership would add/remove leadership experience to an actor/employee)
- BusinessRep.Change: Adds/Removes Business Reputation to the players company
- StockMarkets.Change: Changes all Stocks inside the StockMarket
- StockMarkets.SingleChange: Changes a single Stock
- EmployeeDetails.Stress: Changes the stress of an actor/employee
- EmployeeDetails.Satisfaction: Changes the satisfaction of an actor/employee
- EmployeeDetails.SendHome: Sends an actor/employee home
- SoftwareDetails.Bugs: Adds/Removes bugs from a SoftwareProduct