A password generation library based on https://xkpasswd.net/ perl module for the Rust programming library. Documentation can be found here.
use xkcd_pass::{SimpleEnglish, Configuration, generate_password};
// Use the provided English dictionary
let word_list = SimpleEnglish::new();
// Use the default configuration. Custom configs can be used
let config = Configuration::default();
// Generate the password
let password = generate_password(&config, &word_list);
println!("Password: {}", password);
// Password: ||18+make+MERCURY+present+99||
Currently all the presets from https://xkpasswd.net/ are available in this library:
- Apple ID
- Web 16
- Web 32
- Wifi
The default configuration is shown below:
Configuration {
words: WordConfiguration {
num_words: 3,
min_length: 4,
max_length: 8,
transformations: WordTransformations::AlternatingLowerUpper,
seperator: SeperatorConfiguration {
seperator_type: SeperatorTypes::RandomCharacter,
seperators: vec!['!', '@', '$', '%', '^', '&', '*', '-', '_', '+', '=', ':', '|', '~', '?', '/', '.', ';'],
padding_digits: PaddingDigitConfiguration {
num_before: 2,
num_after: 2,
padding_symbols: PaddingSymbolConfiguration {
padding_type: PaddingTypes::Fixed(2, 2),
padding_character_type: PaddingCharTypes::RandomCharacter,
padding_chars: vec!['!', '@', '$', '%', '^', '&', '*', '-', '_', '+', '=', ':', '|', '~', '?', '/', '.', ';'],
The description of the fields can be found in the documentation.