This sample is intended to show how to call a BTP destination from a CAP service.
To interact with the destination service the CAP service needs to:
- Authenticate against the uaa service oAuth token
- Use the token to call the destination service to request the destination information (from destinations in either the cf space or in the subaccount destinations)
This sample:
- Retrieves the destination data manually for custom implementations where the built in OData service logic in CAP cannot be used.
- Does this at bootstrap time so that it can be used by the service and doesn't have to make the request at the time of a service call
- Publishes the destinations as an oData service, just to have an easy place to show it, although not sure why you would ever do this in a real app scenario.
Create UAA and Destination Service instances in the CF space, this mta project assumes they already exist
- cf-uaa
- cf-destinations
To determine which destinations to retrieve, modify this line in the server.js
const destinationNames = ["languageService", "API_Business_Hub_Sandbox"];
- To run locally without deploying, create default-env.json in root of project with crednentials and name with environment variables from corresponding service keys
"xsuaa": [
"name": "cf-uaa",
"label": "xsuaa",
"tags": ["xsuaa"],
"credentials": {
<Paste uaa service key data here>
"destination": [
"name": "cf-destinations",
"label": "destination",
"tags": ["destination"],
"credentials": {
<Paste destination service key data here>