Releases: danskernesdigitalebibliotek/dpl-design-system
Releases · danskernesdigitalebibliotek/dpl-design-system
- 652289d: Empty commit to recreate tag/release (Kasper Garnæs)
- 80f2526: Added hover state for buttons (Jacob Pihl) #339
- 4c8983a: Align story with new changes in dpl-react (Jacob Pihl) #340
- 219a2ed: Improved mobile styling for banner (Jacob Pihl) #340
- 2c31ef7: Bump eslint from 8.53.0 to 8.54.0 (dependabot[bot]) #343
- d145572: Bump @types/jest from 29.5.8 to 29.5.10 (dependabot[bot]) #346
- e14ce8a: Add @danskernesdigitalebibliotek namespace by default (Kasper Garnæs) #344
- 7c07f46: Remove any prexisting build before rebuilding (Kasper Garnæs) #344
Transition sprint, start up new team and releases
Transition sprint, start up new team and releases
- ee5d1cd: Update axe-storybook-testing package and storybook addons (Adam Antal) #129,#87
- 1fe675b: Add stylelint and all related packages + update stylelintrc (Adam Antal) #129,#87
- e2c935d: Add eslint and all related packages + update eslintrc file (Adam Antal) #129,#87
- b886934: Address eslint errors and adjust the eslintrc file to fit the repository (Adam Antal) #129,#87
- 465e4e4: Disable eslint for initaccordion file console infos (Adam Antal) #129,#87
- f531c09: Remove the old stylelint and eslint config files (Adam Antal) #129,#87
- 2fcbda8: Use yarn package manager instead of npm, and update all references to it (Adam Antal) #129,#87
- 34a63a8: Update react typings to fix availabiliy label HOC typescript error (Adam Antal) #129,#87
- 9f10bbd: Fix eslint errors in material app and material header (Adam Antal) #129,#87
- daf49b8: Add .editorconfig file to the repository to handle code editor settings (Adam Antal) #129,#87
- 7305987: Delete all rules for .js and .jsx files from .eslintrc (Adam Antal) #129,#87
- 413a0ad: Update the .vscode.example folder (Adam Antal) #129,#87
- 18012cc: Move import React from "react" to start (kasperbirch1) #129,#87
- 086beda: Removing unnecessary React imports (Mikkel Jakobsen) #129,#87
- a995dd4: Remove import React necessity (Mikkel Jakobsen) #129,#87
- 50a6c5e: Add react import in index file (Mikkel Jakobsen) #129,#87
- 5f04223: Apply latest eslint rules (Mikkel Jakobsen) #129,#87
- 3a0fbf8: Add material-manifestation-item (Mikkel Jakobsen) #129,#88
- ef1b315: Separate the details list (Mikkel Jakobsen) #129,#88
- 89ed698: Make details list work (Mikkel Jakobsen) #129,#88
- 1dedce5: Refactor details list to list description (Mikkel Jakobsen) #129,#88
- 72e5ac4: Cleaning up base.scss after restructuring (Mikkel Jakobsen) #129,#88
- 6d46bbe: Reinsert comment that was removed by mistake (Mikkel Jakobsen) #129,#88
- 0da2eb8: Fix local css/scss linting error (Mikkel Jakobsen) #129,#91
- 2b45fa7: Fixing latest stylelint errors (Mikkel Jakobsen) #129,#91
- 80743a2: Linting js for tsx files also (Mikkel Jakobsen) #129,#91
- 8aa17f7: Fixing errors after jsx has been added for (Mikkel Jakobsen) #129,#91
- c91a439: Fixing color variables (Mikkel Jakobsen) #129,#91
- 0b360f4: Turn off return type rule for react mdoules (Mikkel Jakobsen) #129,#91
- 2d60fc3: Removing unused stylelint extensions (Mikkel Jakobsen) #129,#91
- 6355191: Add Search Result Page and its sub components. (kasperbirch1) #129,#92
- 7121ece: Remove unnecessary console.log (kasperbirch1) #129,#92
- 4d6ee35: Reverting some of the deployment action cmds (Mikkel Jakobsen) #129,#93
- faa0454: Introduce disclosure folder with empty files inside (Adam Antal) #129,#86
- 0823511: Import disclosure scss into the base scss and add basic functionality (Adam Antal) #129,#86
- 887b6ab: Add the .noselect shared utility class to the shared scss (Adam Antal) #129,#86
- 57d7359: Add real functionality and styling to the disclosure component (Adam Antal) #129,#86
- 8834d1f: Add an empty line at the end of the shared scss file (Adam Antal) #129,#86
- fd5441f: Fixing lint after new rules have been added (Mikkel Jakobsen) #129,#86
- 07a595e: Use css variables instead of hardcoded values (kasperbirch1) #129,#92
- 38bfb8d: Fixing more eslint errors$ (Mikkel Jakobsen) #129,#86
- 6ae05fb: add background color to .modal-btn-close (Sine Jespersen) #129,#68
- 6ecdb0b: add modal screen reader description styling (Sine Jespersen) #129,[#68](https...
- 6d630fc: Add reservation component (kasperbirch1)
- 2c50360: Use white color background for header input field and no focus outline. (Adam Antal) #69,#70,#52
- 9321f0a: Heart toggle icon (Kasper Birch) #69,#70,#66
- e84972f: Update package-lock.json's dev dependancies order (Adam Antal) #69,#70,#58
- 7469211: Create a dropdown text suggestion component. (Adam Antal) #69,#70,#58
- 0558571: refactor component IconHeart / IconFavourite (Kasper Birch) #69,#70,#66
- 0ff03db: Add SearchResultElement component. (Kasper Birch) #69,#70,#66
- 7a283c2: add controls and defaultValues to storybook argTypes. (Kasper Birch) #69,#70,#66
- 06bee36: Add SearchResultElement component. (Kasper Birch) #69,#70,#66
- b63cff6: add controls and defaultValues to storybook argTypes. (Kasper Birch) #69,#70,#66
- a483968: Add css and renamed the folder. (Kasper Birch) #69,#70,#66
- 97f6b5a: Update package.json and package-lock.json (Adam Antal) #69,#70,#58
- a5c163e: Merge branch 'heart-toggle' into search-result-components (Kasper Birch) #69,#70,#66
- 4f0a9bb: switch from categoryScore to seriesNumber (Kasper Birch) #69,#70,#66
- 887ca03: removed the selected type (Kasper Birch) #69,#70,#66
- c2f6260: change to responsive (Kasper Birch) #69,#70,#66
- 71598f9: pull and fix conflicts (Kasper Birch) #69,#70,#66
- 5506094: Create Autosuggest text component, story, and styling (Adam Antal) #69,#70,#58
- fcd81f3: Add a form with styling as an update to the header component (Adam Antal) #69,#70,#58
- 7e00760: Refactor css for more responsive layout (kasperbirch1) #69,#70,#66
- 8123b2c: Refactor search result markup and CSS to reduce nesting (Kasper Garnaes) #69,#70,#66
- ae8531e: Update availability elements in search result element (Kasper Garnaes) #69,#70,#66
- 6f3d519: Remove default values from search result element component (Kasper Garnaes) #69,#70,#66
- de7a877: Replace align-items with align-content. (kasperbirch1) #69,#70,#66
- 6ded4f9: Change .scss name from IconFavourite to icon-favourite (kasperbirch1) #69,#70,#66
- 2237d14: Move favourite svg size control to css insted of inlinline values (kasperbirch1) #69,#70,#66
- 850d838: Add comments (kasperbirch1) #69,#70,#66
- 60336a8: Move defaultValue to argTypes for consistency (kasperbirch1) #69,#70,#66
- f5435f0: Remove unnecessary jsx { } (kasperbirch1) #69,#70,#66
- ab172a1: Merge branch 'release/1' into feature/suggestion-text (Adam Antal) #69,#70,#58
- 8331430: Add white background color and hover shadow to search result element (kasperbirch1) #69,#70,#66
- 5dbe2b5: Add props type to the AutosuggestText.stories (Adam Antal) #69,#70,#58
- e494f61: Make input placeholder in the header component adjustable in storybook (Adam Antal) #69,#70,#58
- 2fb9d4c: Change widt...