released this
20 Sep 14:52
1879 commits
to develop
since this release
- ee5d1cd: Update axe-storybook-testing package and storybook addons (Adam Antal) #129,#87
- 1fe675b: Add stylelint and all related packages + update stylelintrc (Adam Antal) #129,#87
- e2c935d: Add eslint and all related packages + update eslintrc file (Adam Antal) #129,#87
- b886934: Address eslint errors and adjust the eslintrc file to fit the repository (Adam Antal) #129,#87
- 465e4e4: Disable eslint for initaccordion file console infos (Adam Antal) #129,#87
- f531c09: Remove the old stylelint and eslint config files (Adam Antal) #129,#87
- 2fcbda8: Use yarn package manager instead of npm, and update all references to it (Adam Antal) #129,#87
- 34a63a8: Update react typings to fix availabiliy label HOC typescript error (Adam Antal) #129,#87
- 9f10bbd: Fix eslint errors in material app and material header (Adam Antal) #129,#87
- daf49b8: Add .editorconfig file to the repository to handle code editor settings (Adam Antal) #129,#87
- 7305987: Delete all rules for .js and .jsx files from .eslintrc (Adam Antal) #129,#87
- 413a0ad: Update the .vscode.example folder (Adam Antal) #129,#87
- 18012cc: Move import React from "react" to start (kasperbirch1) #129,#87
- 086beda: Removing unnecessary React imports (Mikkel Jakobsen) #129,#87
- a995dd4: Remove import React necessity (Mikkel Jakobsen) #129,#87
- 50a6c5e: Add react import in index file (Mikkel Jakobsen) #129,#87
- 5f04223: Apply latest eslint rules (Mikkel Jakobsen) #129,#87
- 3a0fbf8: Add material-manifestation-item (Mikkel Jakobsen) #129,#88
- ef1b315: Separate the details list (Mikkel Jakobsen) #129,#88
- 89ed698: Make details list work (Mikkel Jakobsen) #129,#88
- 1dedce5: Refactor details list to list description (Mikkel Jakobsen) #129,#88
- 72e5ac4: Cleaning up base.scss after restructuring (Mikkel Jakobsen) #129,#88
- 6d46bbe: Reinsert comment that was removed by mistake (Mikkel Jakobsen) #129,#88
- 0da2eb8: Fix local css/scss linting error (Mikkel Jakobsen) #129,#91
- 2b45fa7: Fixing latest stylelint errors (Mikkel Jakobsen) #129,#91
- 80743a2: Linting js for tsx files also (Mikkel Jakobsen) #129,#91
- 8aa17f7: Fixing errors after jsx has been added for (Mikkel Jakobsen) #129,#91
- c91a439: Fixing color variables (Mikkel Jakobsen) #129,#91
- 0b360f4: Turn off return type rule for react mdoules (Mikkel Jakobsen) #129,#91
- 2d60fc3: Removing unused stylelint extensions (Mikkel Jakobsen) #129,#91
- 6355191: Add Search Result Page and its sub components. (kasperbirch1) #129,#92
- 7121ece: Remove unnecessary console.log (kasperbirch1) #129,#92
- 4d6ee35: Reverting some of the deployment action cmds (Mikkel Jakobsen) #129,#93
- faa0454: Introduce disclosure folder with empty files inside (Adam Antal) #129,#86
- 0823511: Import disclosure scss into the base scss and add basic functionality (Adam Antal) #129,#86
- 887b6ab: Add the .noselect shared utility class to the shared scss (Adam Antal) #129,#86
- 57d7359: Add real functionality and styling to the disclosure component (Adam Antal) #129,#86
- 8834d1f: Add an empty line at the end of the shared scss file (Adam Antal) #129,#86
- fd5441f: Fixing lint after new rules have been added (Mikkel Jakobsen) #129,#86
- 07a595e: Use css variables instead of hardcoded values (kasperbirch1) #129,#92
- 38bfb8d: Fixing more eslint errors$ (Mikkel Jakobsen) #129,#86
- 6ae05fb: add background color to .modal-btn-close (Sine Jespersen) #129,#68
- 6ecdb0b: add modal screen reader description styling (Sine Jespersen) #129,#68
- 59eb299: added styling and example in modalloan (Sine Jespersen) #129,#68
- 4e2e258: bemified scss (Sine Jespersen) #129,#68
- a2ac6cf: modals described by (Sine Jespersen) #129,#68
- add toggle button and reservation component #129,#94 (Sine Jespersen)
- removed traces of old structure #129,#94 (Sine Jespersen)
- rename and css import #129,#94 (Sine Jespersen)
- remove unused prop #129,#94 (Sine Jespersen)
- reservation header added #129,#95 (Sine Jespersen)
- moved toggle button, added controlled inputs #129,#94 (Sine Jespersen)
- add figma and controlled inputs #129,#95 (Sine Jespersen)
- empty list added #129,#96 (Sine Jespersen)
- validation on checkbox #129,#97 (Sine Jespersen)
- user info component added #129,#99 (Sine Jespersen)
- add icon button #129,#100 (Sine Jespersen)
- add list header alignment #129,#100 (Sine Jespersen)
- lint #129,#100 (Sine Jespersen)
- add alt text to button #129,#100 (Sine Jespersen)
- style button as link #129,#103 (Sine Jespersen)
- add hide label modifier to checkbox #129,#104 (Sine Jespersen)
- add hidden label example #129,#104 (Sine Jespersen)
- 1da7022: build fails (Sine Jespersen) #129,#104
- add !optional #129,#104 (Sine Jespersen)
- created fixed buttons in bottom of page #129,#102 (Sine Jespersen)
- possible fix to spacing #129,#102 (Sine Jespersen)
- remove forgotten padding #129,#102 (Sine Jespersen)
- e84f0cf: Change name from SeriesLine to HorizontalTermLine (kasperbirch1) #129,#105
- f2a26af: Change css for material-description width (kasperbirch1) #129,#105
- 523f2d6: Reconstruct HorizontalTermLines (kasperbirch1) #129,#105
- e9268d0: Change css flex wrap for horizontal-term-line (kasperbirch1) #129,#106
- use the selected color #129,#107 (Sine Jespersen)
- use h2 for header #129,#107 (Sine Jespersen)
- set overflow scroll on modal loan container #129,#107 (Sine Jespersen)
- set top on modal and remove background color #129,#107 (Sine Jespersen)
- modal-show display fixed #129,#107 (Sine Jespersen)
- add hide on mobile to buttons #129,#107 (Sine Jespersen)
- added css fixes #129,#107 (Sine Jespersen)
- Add class for truncating text #129,#108 (Jesper Pedersen)
- Add avatar for modal header #129,#109 (Jesper Pedersen)
- Add header for modal #129,#109 (Jesper Pedersen)
- Add profile menu modal #129,#109 (Jesper Pedersen)
- Remove unused var #129,#109 (Jesper Pedersen)
- Add modal login #129,#110 (Jesper Pedersen)
- Fix lint errors #129,#110 (Jesper Pedersen)
- 86104c5: Update the folder structure and scss imports for Disclosure component (Adam Antal) #129,#86
- 4dde237: Merge branch 'release/3' into feature/disclosure (Adam Antal) #129,#86
- 7e77677: Remove scss import that doesn't exist to fix css:build error (Adam Antal) #129,#86
- Utilize storybook argTypes #129,#109 (Jesper Pedersen)
- a5ea688: Use Default instead of Defult in the Disclosure story (Adam Antal) #129,#86
- 6028e43: Turn the "expand" arrow upside down when the disclosure is open (Adam Antal) #129,#86
- Toggle header class when label is present #129,#111 (Jesper Pedersen)
- Add notifications to profile modal #129,#111 (Jesper Pedersen)
- Remove test work #129,#111 (Jesper Pedersen)
- Set width to fit content #129,#112 (Jesper Pedersen)
- bd09f87: Fix all console errors in Material Page App story (Adam Antal) #129,#113
- 3dab2f3: Update location of the Material page - out of the Library into Blocks (Adam Antal) #129,#113
- a0983bb: Add isOpen state to material manif. item to open and close it + css fix (Adam Antal) #129,#113
- 21ff64f: Add a 7xl option for spacing (215px) (Adam Antal) #129,#113
- 22cc801: Add text-label-bold in typography (font weight 700) (Adam Antal) #129,#113
- 43cf9bb: Export fake data in List description story to be consumed in other comp. (Adam Antal) #129,#113
- 89196db: Add xlarge size to material component (cover) for Material page header (Adam Antal) #129,#113
- 74b3461: Fix console errors for Horizontal Term Line (Adam Antal) #129,#113
- bc5d248: Correct material manifestation item styling (Adam Antal) #129,#113
- 2e1a103: Fix console errors in list description component (Adam Antal) #129,#113
- 769ed90: Correct material description styling to match the design brief (Adam Antal) #129,#113
- a58df3e: Correct material header compoent to better match the design brief (Adam Antal) #129,#113
- 0a7a3fa: Add rest of the content to material page component (Adam Antal) #129,#113
- Add block widt loans and reservations status #129,#114 (Jesper Pedersen)
- f0fdf9a: Move fakeData for listDescription to its own file and update imports (Adam Antal) #129,#113
- ca782cd: Add a larger version of book cover 3 and use it in material header (Adam Antal) #129,#113
- 43c3afa: Remove unnecessary height fit-content from material manif. item scss (Adam Antal) #129,#113
- Add link function and hover #129,#116 (Jesper Pedersen)
- Add reusable box-shadows #129,#115 (Jesper Pedersen)
- 6e1c21b: Use :first-of-type selector instead of :first-child for checkbox comp. (Adam Antal) #129,#117
- Rename for consistency. Fix console warning about uniqe key for map #129,#115 (Jesper Pedersen)
- Rename story title #129,#115 (Jesper Pedersen)
- ddd2eeb: Add two more heart icons - filled heart and grey heart (Adam Antal) #129,#117
- de760d1: Add the Review component, its story and styling (Adam Antal) #129,#117
- 8af0953: Merge branch 'release/3' into feature/reviews (Adam Antal) #129,#117
- f4ba4bf: Use Review as naming for the Review component instead of Reviews (Adam Antal) #129,#117
- eec4d79: Provide href prop to ListDashboard in the statusUserprofile component (Adam Antal) #129,#117
- aa91bfe: Correct Review component props - linkText and linkLink (Adam Antal) #129,#117
- 0171d21: Add Review into the material page review disclosure (Adam Antal) #129,#117
- 3668f69: Remove the "Text" suffix from props in the Review component (Adam Antal) #129,#117
- f785fe6: Use aria-label to specify rating for each rating item instead of alt (Adam Antal) #129,#117
- 3b07137: Rename metaHeadline to meta - prop for Review component (Adam Antal) #129,#117
- 1e46547: Remove unnecessary code in Review comp. and css (extra div and comment) (Adam Antal) #129,#117
- 838a4b3: Make a story with multiple reviews (Adam Antal) #129,#117
- 5884a40: Add empty alt texts for review hearts so that esLint is happy (Adam Antal) #129,#117
- 7e022b0: Add a role of figure to the review div containing hearts (Adam Antal) #129,#117
- 15870d5: Don't overwrite the defined typology to avoid decentralizing the styling (Adam Antal) #129,#117
- 4f7c257: Add class that capitalizes whole text, and one for just the first letter (Adam Antal) #129,#117
- 6ec21a6: Ensure second menu level is always full height (Kasper Garnaes) #129,#118
- 6819f14: Provide href prop to ListDashboard in the statusUserprofile component (Adam Antal) #129,#118
- d2ad30a: Layer autosuggest results over regular content (Kasper Garnaes) #129,#118
- Add links to list-empty #129,#119 (Jesper Pedersen)
- Enable external btn to be filled #129,#121 (Jesper Pedersen)
- Fix lint errors #129,#121 (Jesper Pedersen)
- c00eeb5: Change to follow guidelines for BEM (kasperbirch1) #129,#122
- 1774555: Rename Material to Cover (kasperbirch1) #129,#120
- 8f548e9: Change placeholder data structure (kasperbirch1) #129,#120
- Add label text link #129,#123 (Jesper Pedersen)
- Fix --identity-color missing hsl() #129,#124 (Jesper Pedersen)
- Use identity css custom property for filled state #129,#124 (Jesper Pedersen)
- Have icon in button inherit color #129,#121 (Jesper Pedersen)
- add input with validation #129,#98 (Sine Jespersen)
- prettier on scss #129,#98 (Sine Jespersen)
- 7dd8aeb: Update src/stories/Library/Forms/input/Input.stories.tsx (Sine Jespersen) #129,#98
- parentes added #129,#98 (Sine Jespersen)
- fix from rebase error #129,#98 (Sine Jespersen)
- Use css to control color #129,#124 (Jesper Pedersen)
- 9a0e38a: Introduce and use a new shared class for inverting icons (Adam Antal) #129,#125
- rename search result pager #133 (Sine Jespersen)
- 9faef52: Add shared Chromatic project token to GitHub Actions (Kasper Garnaes) #129,#126
- bb65b92: Introduce boxed text - used for autosuggest categories (Adam Antal) #129,#127
- 53e1bca: Add a 10px option for the spacing story - used in autosuggest categories (Adam Antal) #129,#127
- 88491b0: Introduce Autosuggest Text story variant - with category (Adam Antal) #129,#127
- 5cbdc21: Use ml-8 margin for the boxed text in autosuggest text (Adam Antal) #129,#127
- 0d4af2d: Implicitly show/hide boxed text in autosuggest text (Adam Antal) #129,#127
- rename search result pager #133 (Sine Jespersen)
- add hide visual to element in list reservation #133 (Sine Jespersen)
- power text more elegant solution #133 (Sine Jespersen)
- cf6f4ff: Introduce remove-button-style utility class (Adam Antal) #134
- 9a7d099: Update material-manifestation-item__buttons -> button styling (Adam Antal) #134
- 7d78e44: Make "find på hylden" button a button instead of span (Adam Antal) #134
- dd506fc: Change name from periodikum to periodical (kasperbirch1) #130
- 0dae2a9: Use a class instead of :first-of-type for material manifestation buttons (Adam Antal) #134
- 8e4460f: Reset default button styling instead of remove-button-style class (Adam Antal) #134
- 101cf1d: Fix reset.scss markdown according to prettier (Adam Antal) #134
- 6e399bf: Add disclosure variant: With Availability Label and its styling (Adam Antal) #136
- 6d9ec6a: Add Availability label story: without manifestation & disable controls (Adam Antal) #136
- 6edd9f9: Don't require withAvailability prop on disclosure (Adam Antal) #136
- 7ed82ed: Don't show manifestation type for disclosure with availability label (Adam Antal) #136
- 5955165: Introduce find on shelf list component, its story & styling (Adam Antal) #136
- 76456d9: Use spacing variables in disclosure styling (Adam Antal) #136
- d63e56f: Make it possible to select number of list items in find on shelf list (Adam Antal) #136
- c103929: Add borders between Find on shelf modal list items (Adam Antal) #136
- d192ad9: Style modal close button to match design brief & add mobile breakpoints (Adam Antal) #136
- e07f301: Use first-of-type instead of first-child in Find on shelf list (Adam Antal) #136
- 10aaa01: Match breakpoints & spacing of disclosure to its future content (Adam Antal) #136
- 42790ca: Introduce Find on shelf modal component, its story & styling (Adam Antal) #136
- 2aa1eb9: Open the Find on shelf modal with a click on the open modal button (Adam Antal) #136
- 0a9e9c6: Update src/stories/Library/list-buttons/list-buttons.scss (Sine Jespersen) #133
- d5ca612: Add reservation component (kasperbirch1) #131
- 92ab142: Fix PR comments (kasperbirch1) #131
- f218d22: Change css structure (kasperbirch1) #131
- f0a7891: Add cursor-pointer ccs utility class (kasperbirch1) #131
- bdceb1e: Add ReservationSucces + ReservationError (kasperbirch1) #138
- 8e89921: Fix comments on pull request 138 (kasperbirch1) #138
- a97784d: Target BEM elements instead of HTML children in find on shelf header row (Adam Antal) #136
- 6574a35: Target BEM elements in find on shelf list row, not HTML elements (Adam Antal) #136
- 4f65d85: Use flex gap instead of margin spacing between find on shelf list items (Adam Antal) #136
- 42513b6: Introduce hide visually & hide visually on desktop class in shared scss (Adam Antal) #136
- fa4cc66: Use hide visually on desktop utility class in find on shelf list item (Adam Antal) #136
- 0f6563b: Use ListFindOnShelf component in ModalFindOnShelf instead of static code (Adam Antal) #136
- 671f53d: Introduce full width version of disclosure as a modifier (Adam Antal) #136
- f737b8b: Don't nest BEM elements in disclosure styling & use -- for modifiers (Adam Antal) #136
- 4911908: Use manifestationType instead of manifestation for availability label (Adam Antal) #136
- 57a1225: Don't repeat code in BEM modifier classes from the element class (Adam Antal) #136
- a089626: Use size variable with a minus prefix for negative margin in disclosure (Adam Antal) #136
- b8120bf: Don't use multiple h1 tags throughout the app (h1->h2 in find on shelf) (Adam Antal) #136
- d619744: Add reservation form story showing the composition (Mikkel Jakobsen) #137
- e895a8f: Adding helper vscode snippets (Mikkel Jakobsen) #137
- b939d66: Remove shinnn.stylelint from recommended vscode ext (Mikkel Jakobsen) #137
- 0838db4: Do not show validation handling in reservation forms (Mikkel Jakobsen) #137
- e896670: Correct typo (Mikkel Jakobsen) #137
- 8e4bbac: Use more representative list of libraries (Mikkel Jakobsen) #137
- afe2841: Only narrow reservation forms for desktop (Mikkel Jakobsen) #137
- ec7368c: Move reservation modal to Library / Modals (kasperbirch1)
- c1eb980: Move modal css class from shared.scss to modal.scss (kasperbirch1)
- 912fcd5: Add ModalWrapper (kasperbirch1)
- 4d0ec9a: Change name from ModalWrapper to Modal (kasperbirch1)
- d1ef683: Fix spacing for ModalLoan (kasperbirch1)