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Better Jotai DX with Jotaish

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The Problem

In Short, as scale of number of atoms becomes larger, managing them becomes more harder.

Large scale problem list

  1. When using atom, you might have to declare and naming the state and setter's name everytime using it.
  2. Custom hook logic might reduce this effort. But that means each atom require own custom hook. It is not DRY.
  3. You should remember declared atom's name to import it with vscode autocompletion.

The Solution

Consistent name and import with magical ✨autocompletion✨

  1. Categorize atoms by usage (📢 user requirements)
  2. Autocomplete atom's name
  3. Autocomplete atom-state-setter's name


Without Jotaish🃏

// ❌ import each atoms, name state-setter
import { useAtom } from "jotai";
import { count } from "@atoms/count";

const [count, setCount] = useAtom(count);

// ❌ use custom hook for each atoms
import { useCountHook } from "@atoms/count";

const { count, setCount } = useCountHook();

With Jotaish🃏

// ✅  use magical ✨autocompletion✨.
import { $, useStore } from "@atoms/index";

const { Count, setCount } = useStore($("count"));

$ function autocompletes all atom's name

How to use

STEP1: Make Atom Store

at */atom/countAtoms.ts

import { atom } from "jotai";

const count = atom(1);
const isCountEven = atom((get) => get(count) % 2 === 0);

at */atom/index.ts

const Store = {
} as const; // ✅ It is much safer with const-assertion

const assertion 🚩

STEP2: Make $ function and export $, useStore function in one file

at */atom/index.ts

import { count, isCountEven } from "./countAtoms";
import { getStore, useStore } from "jotaish";

const Store = {
} as const;

const $ = getStore(Store); // ✅ You can choose diffrent name like _, _s!
export { $, useStore };

STEP3: Use atoms in the component

import { useStore, $ } from "@atoms/index";

const Counter = () => {
    const { Count, setCount } = useStore($("count"));
    const { IsCountEven, setIsCountEven } = useStore($("isCountEven"));

    return (
            <h1>Count: {Count}</h1>
            <h2>{IsCountEven ? "Even" : "Odd"}</h2>

            <button onClick={() => setCount((c) => c + 1)}>Plus 🔺</button>
            <button onClick={() => setCount((c) => c - 1)}>Minus 🔻</button>

Return value according to Atom type

All Return value is 🃏-fully-jotai-typed-🃏

CASE1. Primitive, Read-Write Atom

// primitive 🟩
const count = atom(1);

// read-write 🟩
const increaseCountTextAndAction = atom(
    (get) => `count is: ${get(count)}`,
    (get, set) => set(count, get(count) + 1)

🔔 Returns state & setter & atom itself

const { Count, setCount, atomOfCount } = useStore($("count"));

CASE2. Read Only Atom

// read-only 🟨
const isEven = atom((get) => get(count) % 2 === 0);

🔔 Returns state & atom itself

const { IsEven, atomOfIsEven } = useStore($("isEven"));

CASE3. Write Only Atom

// write-only 🟦
const updateCount = atom(
    null, // for specifying writing atom
    (get, set, newCount: number) => set(count, newCount)

🔔 Returns state & setter & atom itself

But state = null, Just ignore it and don't destruct.

const { setUpdateCount, atomOfUpdateCount } = useStore($("updateCount"));


# ✅ ESM ======================================
dist/   0.31 KiB / gzip: 0.22 KiB

# ✅ UMD ======================================
dist/jotaish.umd.js   0.54 KiB / gzip: 0.35 KiB




Better Jotai DX with Jotaish🃏








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