This is an implementation of P_Mask RCNN on Python 3, Keras, and TensorFlow>=1.10, <2.0. The code inherits from Mask RCNN. We mainly modified its RPN part. Our method has a better performance on small object detection.
The repository includes:
- the source code of Mask RCNN
- the source code of constructing Guassian mixture model(GMM) and the implements of the Expectation-Maximization(EM) algorithm
- the source code of sample from GMM
- the source code of the RPN model of P_mask_RCNN
to reproduce the results of the experiment in our paper, you should download the PE dataset from here.
The dataset is provided in dicom form, you should change it to jpg form, first. After that, you should generate a label file for the coco dataset using the mask label provided by the dataset, and replace the file in the annotations directory. you can also use the label file provided by us. If you use our label files, You need to rename each image in the following format: "%2d%3d.jpg" % (patient_id, slice_index), and divide the data set to 3 parts, including: train, test and val, with the image name contained in each label file.
The dataset includes 35 patients. A total of 8,792 CTPA images with the size of 512×512 pixels are included, of which 2,304 contained lesion areas with 3781 PE regions of interest(PE-ROIs) altogether.More than 85% of these PE-ROIs are small objects with the square root of the area≤32 pixels which only occupy on average 0.3% of the image area.
Install the required package:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- is the module to build GMM and sample points from GMM and save it to the locations directory. you can run it and plot the GMM in a 3D Coordinate System.
python sampling/
the result are as follows:
- is the main file to train and validate P_Mask_RCNN. You can download pre-trained COCO weights (mask_rcnn_coco.h5) from the releases page to init the weight of the model.You can also use the model we have pre-train to evaluate P_Mask_RCNN directly.
To train your own model, run:
python training --dataset="your dataset path" --model="your model weight file.h5"
To evaluate the model, run:
python inference --dataset="your dataset path" --model="your model weight file.h5"