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gen chord names now; less ambig chord notation; split up files; no warns
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dancor committed Jul 26, 2012
1 parent 76cc56e commit e034488
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Showing 7 changed files with 224 additions and 96 deletions.
19 changes: 9 additions & 10 deletions README
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -36,11 +36,11 @@ diminished
2020: F#dim
2023: F#dim
0131: Gdim
3101: A#dim
3101: Bbdim

1003: Caug
2110: Dbaug
2110: C#aug
0332: Ebaug

dominant seventh
Expand All @@ -66,10 +66,10 @@ diminished seventh
0101: C#dim7

half-diminished seventh
0102: C#m7b5
0201: Em7b5
0111: Gm7b5
1101: A#m7b5
0102: C#m7-5
0201: Em7-5
0111: Gm7-5
1101: Bbm7-5

minor major seventh
1103: C#mM7
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -103,7 +103,6 @@ minor ninth
2032: Am9

dominant seventh sharp ninth (hendrix chord)
3303: C7#9
1310: F7#9
1022: Ab7#9

3303: C7+9
1310: F7+9
1022: Ab7+9
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions src/AllChords.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ normalizeChord cc c = init . minimum $ zipWith (++) (tails c') (inits c')
c' = cc - sum c : c

nChords :: Int -> Int -> [Chord]
nChords cc n = if n > cc then [] else nub . map (normalizeChord cc) $ concat
nChords cc n = if n > cc then [] else nub . map (normalizeChord cc) $ concat
[map (i1:) (cOSNaiveOver cc (cc - i1) (n - 1) i1) | i1 <- [1..div cc n]]

cOSNaiveOver _ _ 1 _ = [[]]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -58,16 +58,16 @@ main = do
cc = 12
n = 4
chordNameMap = M.fromListWith (++) $
[(c, []) | c <- nChords cc n] ++
[(c, []) | c <- nChords cc n] ++
map (second (:[])) (interestingChords cc n)
remCr1 s l = if length l <= 1 then l else filter (not . s) l
removeCrapChords = remCr1 (elem "sus4") . remCr1 (elem "#6")
chordPlayMap = M.fromListWith (++) . filter ((/= 0) . head . fst) .
map (\ o -> (offsetsToChord cc $ zipWith (+) ukeOffsets o, [o])) .
map (\ o -> (offsetsToChord cc $ zipWith (+) ukeOffsets o, [o])) .
sequence $ replicate (length ukeOffsets) [0..11]
showPlay = concatMap show
showChords = show . map concat . removeCrapChords
putStrLn . unlines .
map (\ (k, (v1, v2)) -> show k ++ " " ++ showPlay
putStrLn . unlines .
map (\ (k, (v1, v2)) -> show k ++ " " ++ showPlay
(minimumBy (compare `on` maximum) v1) ++ " " ++ showChords v2) .
M.toList $ M.intersectionWith (,) chordPlayMap chordNameMap
31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions src/ChordQual.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
module ChordQual where

data ChordQual =
CQM | CQm | CQdim | CQaug |
CQ7 | CQM7 | CQm7 | CQdim7 | CQm7b5 | CQmM7 |
CQaug7 | CQaugM7 | CQ9 | CQM9 | CQm9 | CQ7S9
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

cqShow :: ChordQual -> String
cqShow = map (repl 'S' '+') . map (repl 'b' '-') . drop 2 . show

cqShowLong :: ChordQual -> String
cqShowLong CQM = "major"
cqShowLong CQm = "minor"
cqShowLong CQdim = "diminished"
cqShowLong CQaug = "augmented"
cqShowLong CQ7 = "dominant seventh"
cqShowLong CQM7 = "major seventh"
cqShowLong CQm7 = "minor seventh"
cqShowLong CQdim7 = "diminished seventh"
cqShowLong CQm7b5 = "half-diminished seventh"
cqShowLong CQmM7 = "minor major seventh"
cqShowLong CQaug7 = "augmented seventh"
cqShowLong CQaugM7 = "augmented major seventh"
cqShowLong CQ9 = "ninth"
cqShowLong CQM9 = "major ninth"
cqShowLong CQm9 = "minor ninth"
cqShowLong CQ7S9 = "dominant seventh sharp ninth (hendrix chord)"

repl :: Eq a => a -> a -> a -> a
repl targ r x = if x == targ then r else x
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions src/ChordSig.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
module ChordSig where

import ChordQual

data ChordSig = ChordSig {
csSig :: [Int],
csIntvlOrd :: Int,
csQual :: ChordQual}
deriving Show
165 changes: 84 additions & 81 deletions src/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,99 +27,62 @@
-- second on a tie, and so on).

import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad
import Data.Function
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Ord
import qualified Data.Map as Map

data PitchClass = C | Cs | D | Ds | E | F | Fs | G | Gs | A | As | B
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Read, Enum, Bounded)

aFlat = Gs
bFlat = As
dFlat = Cs
eFlat = Ds
gFlat = Fs

type Pitch = (PitchClass, Int)

octaveInt :: Int
octaveInt = 1 + fromEnum (maxBound :: PitchClass)

pitchToInt :: Pitch -> Int
pitchToInt = uncurry (+) . second (octaveInt *) . first fromEnum

swap :: (a, b) -> (b, a)
swap (a, b) = (b, a)

intToPitch :: Int -> Pitch
intToPitch = first toEnum . swap . (`divMod` octaveInt)

pitchDiff :: Pitch -> Pitch -> Int
pitchDiff = (-) `on` pitchToInt

pitchPlus :: Pitch -> Int -> Pitch
pitchPlus n = intToPitch . (pitchToInt n +)

adjPairs :: [a] -> [(a, a)]
adjPairs = ap zip tail

onAdjPairs :: (b -> b -> c) -> [b] -> [c]
onAdjPairs f = map (uncurry f) . adjPairs

allCyclesForever :: [t] -> [[t]]
allCyclesForever l = l : allCyclesForever (rest ++ [l0]) where (l0:rest) = l

pitchClassesToChordSig :: [PitchClass] -> [Int]
pitchClassesToChordSig = bestSig .
onAdjPairs (flip (-)) . octowrap . map fromEnum . map head . group . sort
octowrap :: [Int] -> [Int]
octowrap l = l ++ [head l + octaveInt]
bestSig :: [Int] -> [Int]
bestSig l = maximum . take n $ allCyclesForever l where n = length l
import ChordQual
import ChordSig
import Pitch
import PitchClass

majChord, minChord, dimChord, augChord :: [PitchClass]
majChord = [C, E, G]
minChord = [C, eFlat, G]
dimChord = [C, eFlat, gFlat]
augChord = [C, E, Gs]

domSevChord, majSevChord, minSevChord, dimSevChord :: [PitchClass]
domSevChord = [C, E, G, bFlat]
majSevChord = [C, E, G, B]
minSevChord = [C, eFlat, G, bFlat]
dimSevChord = [C, eFlat, gFlat, A]

halfDimSevChord, minMajSevChord, augMajSevChord, augDomSevChord ::
halfDimSevChord = [C, eFlat, gFlat, bFlat]
minMajSevChord = [C, eFlat, G, B]
augMajSevChord = [C, E, Gs, B]
augDomSevChord = [C, E, Gs, bFlat]

domNinChord, majNinChord, minNinChord, domSevSharpNinChord ::
domNinChord = [C, E, bFlat, D]
majNinChord = [C, E, B, D]
minNinChord = [C, eFlat, bFlat, D]
domSevSharpNinChord = [C, E, bFlat, Ds] -- hendrix

chordSigs :: [([Int], String)]
chordSigs = map (first pitchClassesToChordSig) [
(majChord, "M"),
(minChord, "m"),
(dimChord, "dim"),
(augChord, "aug"),
(domSevChord, "7"),
(majSevChord, "M7"),
(minSevChord, "m7"),
(dimSevChord, "dim7"),
(halfDimSevChord, "m7b5"),
(minMajSevChord, "mM7"),
(augMajSevChord, "augM7"),
(augDomSevChord, "aug7"),
(domNinChord, "9"),
(majNinChord, "M9"),
(minNinChord, "m9"),
(domSevSharpNinChord, "7#9")
chordSigs :: [ChordSig]
chordSigs =
map (\ ((sig, rootIntvl), cq) -> ChordSig sig rootIntvl cq) $
map (first pitchClassesToInfo)
(majChord, CQM),
(minChord, CQm),
(dimChord, CQdim),
(augChord, CQaug),
(domSevChord, CQ7),
(majSevChord, CQM7),
(minSevChord, CQm7),
(dimSevChord, CQdim7),
(halfDimSevChord, CQm7b5),
(minMajSevChord, CQmM7),
(augMajSevChord, CQaugM7),
(augDomSevChord, CQaug7),
(domNinChord, CQ9),
(majNinChord, CQM9),
(minNinChord, CQm9),
(domSevSharpNinChord, CQ7S9)

maxFret :: Int
Expand All @@ -132,20 +95,60 @@ geetStrs = [(G, 4), (C, 4), (E, 4), (A, 4)]
functorRunSnd :: (Functor f) => (a, f b) -> f (a, b)
functorRunSnd = uncurry (fmap . (,))

chordGetName :: [PitchClass] -> Maybe String
chordGetName = flip Map.lookup (Map.fromList chordSigs) .
pitchClassesToChordSig :: [PitchClass] -> Maybe ChordSig
pitchClassesToChordSig c =
Map.lookup (fst $ pitchClassesToInfo c)
(Map.fromList . map (\ x -> (csSig x, x)) $ chordSigs)

showFrets :: [Int] -> String
showFrets = concatMap show

myShowLine :: ChordSig -> [Int] -> (PitchClass, String)
myShowLine setChordSig frets =
(pitchClass, showStr)
notesUniq = map head . group . sort $
fretsToPitchClasses frets
pitchClass = notesUniq !! (rootOffset `mod` length notesUniq)
showStr =
showFrets frets ++ ": " ++
showPitchClass pitchClass ++
cqShow (csQual setChordSig)
rootOffset = csIntvlOrd setChordSig - fretRootOffset
fretInfo = fretsToInfo frets
(_, fretRootOffset) = fretInfo

myShowSet :: (ChordSig, [[Int]]) -> [String]
myShowSet (chordSig, fretss) =
map snd . sort $ map (myShowLine chordSig) fretss

fretsToPitchClasses :: [Int] -> [PitchClass]
fretsToPitchClasses = map fst . zipWith pitchPlus geetStrs

fretsToChordSig :: [Int] -> Maybe ChordSig
fretsToChordSig = pitchClassesToChordSig . fretsToPitchClasses

fretsToInfo :: [Int] -> ([Int], Int)
fretsToInfo = pitchClassesToInfo . fretsToPitchClasses

main :: IO ()
main = do
frets =
filter ((<= 3) . length . filter (/= 0)) .
filter (any (== 0)) . sequence $ replicate (length geetStrs) [0..maxFret]
fretsToName = catMaybes . map functorRunSnd . zip frets $
map (chordGetName . map fst . zipWith pitchPlus geetStrs) frets
nameToFrets = Map.fromListWith (++) $ map (swap . first (:[])) fretsToName
myShow (name, fretss) = map ((++ name) . (++ ": ") . showFrets) fretss
showFrets l = concatMap show l
putStr . unlines . concat . map (myShow . second sort) . catMaybes $
map ((\ k -> functorRunSnd (k, Map.lookup k nameToFrets)) . snd) chordSigs
goodFretss :: [[Int]]
goodFretss =
--filter ((<= 4) . length . filter (/= 0)) .
filter (any (== 0)) .
sequence $ replicate (length geetStrs) [0..maxFret]
goodFretChordSigs :: [([Int], ChordSig)]
goodFretChordSigs = catMaybes . map functorRunSnd . zip goodFretss $
map fretsToChordSig goodFretss
goodsByQual =
Map.fromListWith (++) $
map (\ (frets, chordSig) -> (csQual chordSig, [frets])) goodFretChordSigs
thingsToShow = catMaybes $
map (\ k -> functorRunSnd (k, Map.lookup (csQual k) goodsByQual))
putStr . unlines . concat $
map (\ set -> "" : cqShowLong (csQual $ fst set) :
myShowSet (second sort set))
23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions src/Pitch.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
module Pitch where

import Control.Arrow
import Data.Function

import PitchClass

type Pitch = (PitchClass, Int)

intToPitch :: Int -> Pitch
intToPitch = first toEnum . swap . (`divMod` octaveInt)

pitchDiff :: Pitch -> Pitch -> Int
pitchDiff = (-) `on` pitchToInt

pitchPlus :: Pitch -> Int -> Pitch
pitchPlus p n = intToPitch (pitchToInt p + n)

pitchToInt :: Pitch -> Int
pitchToInt = uncurry (+) . second (octaveInt *) . first fromEnum

swap :: (a, b) -> (b, a)
swap (a, b) = (b, a)

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