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uke chords generated
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dancor committed Jun 27, 2010
0 parents commit 276f83b
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Showing 4 changed files with 269 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions LICENSE
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
106 changes: 106 additions & 0 deletions README
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@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
I took 16 chord types and found all ways to make them with at least 1
open string and within the first 3 frets. These are the chords which
will generally form barre chords the best. E.g. since C7 is 0001, you
can form D7 by adding 2 to everything to get 2223. This means you
play fret 2 on the G-string, 2 on the C-string, 2 on the E-string, and
3 on the A-string. Use your index finger to cover all the 2s then use
your middle finger to add the 3 on the A-string.

Chord inversions are ignored in this list. I.e. in the 0100 voicing
of A7 the lowest-pitch note is C# not A so this might more properly be
called A7-first-inversion (or A7/C#). --Dan

0003: CM
2220: DM
0331: EbM
2010: FM
2013: FM
0232: GM
2100: AM

0333: Cm
2210: Dm
1013: Fm
2120: F#m
0231: Gm
2000: Am
2003: Am

2320: Ebdim
2020: F#dim
2023: F#dim
0131: Gdim
3101: A#dim

1003: Caug
2110: C#aug
0332: Ebaug

dominant seventh
0001: C7
1202: E7
0212: G7
0100: A7

major seventh
0002: CM7
1302: EM7
0222: GM7
1100: AM7
3210: BbM7

minor seventh
1102: C#m7
0202: Em7
0211: Gm7
0000: Am7

diminished seventh
0101: C#dim7

half-diminished seventh
0102: C#m7b5
0201: Em7b5
0111: Gm7b5
1101: Am7b5

minor major seventh
1103: C#mM7
0302: EmM7
0221: GmM7
1000: AmM7
3110: BbmM7

augmented major seventh
1002: CaugM7
1303: EaugM7
0322: GaugM7
1110: AaugM7
3220: BbaugM7

augmented seventh
1001: Caug7
1203: Eaug7
0312: Gaug7
0110: Aaug7

3203: C9
0310: F9
1021: Ab9

major ninth
1031: AbM9

minor ninth
2032: Am9

dominant seventh sharp ninth (hendrix chord)
3303: C7#9
1310: F7#9
1022: Ab7#9

149 changes: 149 additions & 0 deletions src/Main.hs
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-- We want to find all chords of common types that use an open string
-- and don't go too high on the fretboard.

-- Music terms:
-- - note
-- - pitch
-- - pitch class
-- - timbre
-- - tonality
-- - key: we decide that key is always major key..
-- - scale: ..and scale can be major or minor or other
-- - scale degree
-- - triad: three-note chord of two thirds
-- - tone: note or pitch or timbre or tonality
-- - root: reference note of a chord
-- - tonic: first scale degree
-- tonic
-- supertonic
-- mediant
-- subdominant
-- dominant
-- submediant
-- leading tone
-- Our nonce terms:
-- - A "chord sig" is the pairwise half-step-distances formed by pitch classes,
-- in the inversion of the chord that maximizes the first distance (then the
-- second on a tie, and so on).

import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad
import Data.Function
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Ord
import qualified Data.Map as Map

data PitchClass = C | Cs | D | Ds | E | F | Fs | G | Gs | A | As | B
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Read, Enum, Bounded)

aFlat = Gs
bFlat = As
dFlat = Cs
eFlat = Ds
gFlat = Fs

type Pitch = (PitchClass, Int)

octaveInt :: Int
octaveInt = 1 + fromEnum (maxBound :: PitchClass)

pitchToInt :: Pitch -> Int
pitchToInt = uncurry (+) . second (octaveInt *) . first fromEnum

swap :: (a, b) -> (b, a)
swap (a, b) = (b, a)

intToPitch :: Int -> Pitch
intToPitch = first toEnum . swap . (`divMod` octaveInt)

pitchDiff :: Pitch -> Pitch -> Int
pitchDiff = (-) `on` pitchToInt

pitchPlus :: Pitch -> Int -> Pitch
pitchPlus n = intToPitch . (pitchToInt n +)

adjPairs :: [a] -> [(a, a)]
adjPairs = ap zip tail

onAdjPairs :: (b -> b -> c) -> [b] -> [c]
onAdjPairs f = map (uncurry f) . adjPairs

allCyclesForever :: [t] -> [[t]]
allCyclesForever l = l : allCyclesForever (rest ++ [l0]) where (l0:rest) = l

pitchClassesToChordSig :: [PitchClass] -> [Int]
pitchClassesToChordSig = bestSig .
onAdjPairs (flip (-)) . octowrap . map fromEnum . map head . group . sort
octowrap :: [Int] -> [Int]
octowrap l = l ++ [head l + octaveInt]
bestSig :: [Int] -> [Int]
bestSig l = maximum . take n $ allCyclesForever l where n = length l

majChord = [C, E, G]
minChord = [C, eFlat, G]
dimChord = [C, eFlat, gFlat]
augChord = [C, E, Gs]

domSevChord = [C, E, G, bFlat]
majSevChord = [C, E, G, B]
minSevChord = [C, eFlat, G, bFlat]
dimSevChord = [C, eFlat, gFlat, A]

halfDimSevChord = [C, eFlat, gFlat, bFlat]
minMajSevChord = [C, eFlat, G, B]
augMajSevChord = [C, E, Gs, B]
augDomSevChord = [C, E, Gs, bFlat]

domNinChord = [C, E, bFlat, D]
majNinChord = [C, E, B, D]
minNinChord = [C, eFlat, bFlat, D]
domSevAugNinChord = [C, E, bFlat, Ds] -- hendrix

chordSigs :: [([Int], String)]
chordSigs = map (first pitchClassesToChordSig) [
(majChord, "M"),
(minChord, "m"),
(dimChord, "dim"),
(augChord, "aug"),
(domSevChord, "7"),
(majSevChord, "M7"),
(minSevChord, "m7"),
(dimSevChord, "dim7"),
(halfDimSevChord, "m7b5"),
(minMajSevChord, "mM7"),
(augMajSevChord, "augM7"),
(augDomSevChord, "aug7"),
(domNinChord, "9"),
(majNinChord, "M9"),
(minNinChord, "m9"),
(domSevAugNinChord, "7#9")

maxFret :: Int
maxFret = 3

geetStrs :: [Pitch]
geetStrs = [(G, 3), (C, 3), (E, 3), (A, 3)]

functorRunSnd :: (Functor f) => (a, f b) -> f (a, b)
functorRunSnd = uncurry (fmap . (,))

chordGetName :: [PitchClass] -> Maybe String
chordGetName = flip Map.lookup (Map.fromList chordSigs) .

main :: IO ()
main = do
frets =
filter (any (== 0)) . sequence $ replicate (length geetStrs) [0..maxFret]
fretsToName = catMaybes . map functorRunSnd . zip frets $
map (chordGetName . map fst . zipWith pitchPlus geetStrs) frets
nameToFrets = Map.fromListWith (++) $ map (swap . first (:[])) fretsToName
myShow (name, fretss) = map ((++ name) . (++ ": ") . showFrets) fretss
showFrets l = concatMap show l
putStr . unlines . concat . map (myShow . second sort) . catMaybes $
map ((\ k -> functorRunSnd (k, Map.lookup k nameToFrets)) . snd) chordSigs
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions uke-chords.cabal
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name: uke-chords
version: 0.1
license: BSD3
license-file: LICENSE
author: [email protected]
synopsis: see source
build-type: Simple
cabal-version: >= 1.6

executable uke-chords
hs-source-dirs: src
main-is: Main.hs
build-depends: base >= 4, containers

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