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AllChords.hs: try more common style and clean up things
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dancor committed Sep 13, 2012
1 parent c7ecfa1 commit 0f38c8b
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Showing 2 changed files with 72 additions and 46 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions README
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -72,19 +72,19 @@ minor major seventh (5)
diminished seventh (1)
0101: C#dim7

half-diminished seventh (4)
half-diminished seventh (4) (just increment any of dim7)
0102: C#m7-5
0201: Em7-5
0111: Gm7-5
1101: Bbm7-5

augmented seventh (4)
augmented seventh (4) (just raise 5th of dom7)
1001: Caug7
1203: Eaug7
0312: Gaug7
0110: Aaug7

augmented major seventh (5)
augmented major seventh (5) (just raise 5th of M7)
1002: CaugM7
1303: EaugM7
0322: GaugM7
Expand Down
112 changes: 69 additions & 43 deletions src/AllChords.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,73 +1,99 @@
-- playing around with:
-- - generating all possible chords
-- - generating (tertian) names for them
-- - generating fingerings for them

-- cc is pitchclass count (usually 12)
-- This:
-- - generates all possible chords
-- - generates (tertian) names for them
-- - generates fingerings for them

import Control.Arrow
import Data.Function
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as M

-- | A "chord" is a series of intervals that add up to < octaveSize
-- (strictly less!).
type Chord = [Int]

normalizeChord cc c = init . minimum $ zipWith (++) (tails c') (inits c')
allCycles :: [a] -> [[a]]
allCycles xs = zipWith (++) (tails xs) (inits xs)

-- | Get a representative chord under the equivalence relation that
-- combines any two chords that differ only under changing-the-bass-note.
normalizeChord :: Int -> Chord -> Chord
normalizeChord octaveSize c = init . minimum $ allCycles cFillOctave
c' = cc - sum c : c
cFillOctave = octaveSize - sum c : c

nChords :: Int -> Int -> [Chord]
nChords cc n = if n > cc then [] else nub . map (normalizeChord cc) $ concat
[map (i1:) (cOSNaiveOver cc (cc - i1) (n - 1) i1) | i1 <- [1..div cc n]]
allNormChords :: Int -> Int -> [Chord]
allNormChords octaveSize noteCount = if noteCount > octaveSize
then []
else nub . map (normalizeChord octaveSize) $ concat
[ map (firstIntvl:) $ chordsNaive octaveSize
(octaveSize - firstIntvl) (noteCount - 1) firstIntvl
| firstIntvl <- [1 .. octaveSize `div` noteCount]

cOSNaiveOver _ _ 1 _ = [[]]
cOSNaiveOver cc ccLeft n i = concat
[map (i1:) (cOSNaiveOver cc (ccLeft - i1) (n - 1) i) | i1 <- [i..ccLeft - i]]
chordsNaive :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Chord]
chordsNaive _ _ 1 _ = [[]]
chordsNaive octaveSize octaveSizeLeft noteCount intvlBound = concat
[ map (intvl1:) (chordsNaive octaveSize (octaveSizeLeft - intvl1)
(noteCount - 1) intvlBound)
| intvl1 <- [intvlBound .. octaveSizeLeft - intvlBound]

diffs :: [Int] -> [Int]
diffs (a1:a2:as) = (a2 - a1) : diffs (a2:as)
diffs _ = []

makeChord :: Int -> [(String, Int)] -> (Chord, [String])
makeChord n l = (
normalizeChord 12 . map (`mod` 12) . diffs $ 0 : sort (map snd l),
map fst l)
makeChord octaveSize l =
( normalizeChord octaveSize . map (`mod` octaveSize) . diffs $
0 : sort (map snd l)
, map fst l

i3 = [("b3", 3), ("M3", 4), ("sus4", 5)]
i5 = [("b5", 6), ("M5", 7), ("#5", 8)]
i7 = [("bb7", 9), ("b7", 10), ("M7", 11)]
i9 = [("b9", 1), ("M9", 2)]
--i9 = [("b9", 1), ("M9", 2), ("#9", 3)]
i6 = [("#6", 10)]
-- | Uses M for Major tertian tonic notes, +/- for sharp/flat, and s for
-- off-tonic "suspensions".
i3, i5, i7, i9, i6 :: [(String, Int)]
i3 = [("-3", 3), ("M3", 4), ("s4", 5)]
i5 = [("-5", 6), ("M5", 7), ("+5", 8)]
i7 = [("-7", 10), ("M7", 11)]
i9 = [("-9", 1), ("M9", 2)]
i6 = [("s6", 9), ("+6", 10)]

choose :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
choose 0 [] = [[]]
choose _ [] = []
choose n (a:l) = map (a:) (choose (n - 1) l) ++ choose n l

interestingChords :: Int -> Int -> [(Chord, [String])]
interestingChords cc n = filter ((/= 0) . head . fst) . map (makeChord n) .
concatMap sequence $ choose (n - 1) [i3, i5, i6, i7, i9]
interestingChords octaveSize noteCount = filter ((/= 0) . head . fst) .
map (makeChord octaveSize) . concatMap sequence $
choose (noteCount - 1) [i3, i5, i7, i9, i6]

ukeOffsets :: [Int]
ukeOffsets = [7, 0, 4, 9]

offsetsToChord cc = normalizeChord cc . diffs . sort
offsetsToChord :: Int -> [Int] -> Chord
offsetsToChord octaveSize = normalizeChord octaveSize . diffs . sort

main :: IO ()
main = do
cc = 12
n = 4
chordNameMap = M.fromListWith (++) $
[(c, []) | c <- nChords cc n] ++
map (second (:[])) (interestingChords cc n)
remCr1 s l = if length l <= 1 then l else filter (not . s) l
removeCrapChords = remCr1 (elem "sus4") . remCr1 (elem "#6")
chordPlayMap = M.fromListWith (++) . filter ((/= 0) . head . fst) .
map (\ o -> (offsetsToChord cc $ zipWith (+) ukeOffsets o, [o])) .
sequence $ replicate (length ukeOffsets) [0..11]
showPlay = concatMap show
showChords = show . map concat . removeCrapChords
putStrLn . unlines .
map (\ (k, (v1, v2)) -> show k ++ " " ++ showPlay
(minimumBy (compare `on` maximum) v1) ++ " " ++ showChords v2) .
M.toList $ M.intersectionWith (,) chordPlayMap chordNameMap
let octaveSize = 12
noteCount = 4
chordNameMap = M.fromListWith (++) $
[(c, []) | c <- allNormChords octaveSize noteCount] ++
map (second (:[])) (interestingChords octaveSize noteCount)
remCr1 s l = if length l <= 1 then l else filter (not . s) l
removeCrapChords = remCr1 ("+5" `elem`) .
remCr1 ("s6" `elem`) . remCr1 ("+6" `elem`)
chordPlayMap = M.fromListWith (++) . filter ((/= 0) . head . fst) .
map (\ o -> ( offsetsToChord octaveSize $ zipWith (+) ukeOffsets o
, [o]
) .
sequence $ replicate (length ukeOffsets) [0 .. octaveSize - 1]
showPlay = concatMap show
showChords = show . map concat . removeCrapChords
putStrLn . unlines .
map (\ (k, (v1, v2)) -> show k ++ " " ++ showPlay
(minimumBy (compare `on` maximum) v1) ++ " " ++ showChords v2) .
M.toList $ M.intersectionWith (,) chordPlayMap chordNameMap

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